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Agenda 01/15/2009
Municipal Renovations Committee   Meeting  Thursday January 15, 2009
6:30 PM Mayor’s Office

  Approval of Minutes of  MRC Meeting of  12.18.08

 Update by Friar Associates to include:
Status of Traffic Department Building Bid
Status of design modifications due to elimination of third floor addition.  Status of City Hall vaults approval by State of Connecticut  Next steps for Friar Associates.

 Update by O&G to include the following:
Status of City Hall moving bids  Status of construction bids  Status of Traffic Building bid
Status of construction schedule to include program for “catch up” caused by 3rd floor “bump out” deletion   Next steps for O&G

 Discussion of moving-bid walk through, and  the plan to execute the move.  - Mike  Clark

 Presentation of  Field Street refit  and Ed Fabbri’s floor plan - Mike Clark

 Update on City Hall preparation readiness for relocation. - Steve Nocera

 Other business.
