Minutes Draft
Vehicle Replacement Advisory Board
Regular Meeting
October 27, 2014
A Regular Meeting of the Vehicle Replacement Advisory Board was held on Monday, October 27, 2014 in the Mayor's Office.
Present were Mayor Carbone, City Council representative Anne Ruwet, Board of Finance representative Bill Lamoin, Board Member Glenn Royals, Fleet Manager Emil Castro, Comptroller Alice Proulx, Purchasing Agent Pennie Zucco and Mayoral Aide Timothy Waldron. Police Captain Newkirk, Fire Chief Brunoli and Deputy Fire Chief Pepler were also present. Board of Public Safety Representative Robert Conforti participated via telephone.
Mayor Carbone opened the meeting at 8:04 a.m.
Purchase of Fire Dept. 100’ Ladder Truck
Mr. Castro explained his concerns about recent findings from a certified apparatus repair shop whose preliminary inspection found frame rail cracks and extensive rust and rot on the turntable where the axle sits. There is at least $15,000 of damage, he said, and expressed his concern that the integrity of the vehicle may have been compromised.
Chief Brunoli said that six major-apparatus dealers were contacted and three demo vehicles were looked at. He presented a comparison chart. Mr. Conforti offered his own findings and added that he is in favor of this important purchase. Chief Brunoli noted that the important aspect of the 100’ ladder truck is the reach it provides to get water off the street. He added that both ladder trucks are often used, and at the same time. Chief Brunoli pointed out that it takes more than 20 minutes to get any mutual aid.
Mr. Lamoin said this purchase is more than a year early and is due for FY16/17. Mr. Castro explained that it takes about a year to build a truck, so the specifications are put out the year before. Deputy Chief Pepler reminded the Board that these trucks are demos, and to build a truck from the ground up would be much more expensive.
Ms. Proulx reported that we would have had a balance at the end of the year of $1,019,000. She said that looking ahead to FY16/17, we would have had to add to our funding schedule or face a negative cash balance in that account of about $400,000. Ms. Proulx noted that the savings from getting the vehicle at this time could offset a bit of that negative balance and there could also be a salvage value that is not incorporated into these estimates.
Mr. Lamoin said that this purchase, combined with more than $900,000 of Street Department replacements planned for next year, may leave us having to put a substantial amount of money into the Vehicle Replacement Fund next fiscal budget cycle. He feels the City will be at risk and vehicles should be replaced when their time comes.
Deputy Chief Pepler noted that the Board should take into account the amount of time it will take to repair the truck. Mr. Castro said they will not even look at it for two months.
Mr. Conforti disconnected from the meeting at 8:24 a.m.
Seven Police Dept. Vehicles
Mr. Castro listed the Police vehicles to be replaced starting with the pickup truck with plow, #1800, that was tabled at the previous meeting. He said it has gone up in price and could be less expensive off a State contract.
He said that #1208, a 2003 Ford Crown Victoria with 77,000 miles on it, will be replaced with a Chevrolet Impala.
Mr. Castro said the next three vehicles to be replaced, #3009, 3011 and 3016 are utility vehicles with
mileage of 115,000, 114,000 and 121,000 respectively. He said the replacement schedule should have
three replacements this year and four next year.
He said the Regional Animal Control vehicle #3049 has 113,000 miles on it and could be replaced for $26,000 with a Patriot Latitude.
Mr. Castro said the Supervisors’ 2008 Ford Expedition with 107,000 miles, #3074, has a replacement cost of $39,000. He said there are $254,000 worth of vehicle replacements and using small vehicles as replacements will save $10,000 or $15,000.
Ms. Proulx said the other towns will be billed for their share of the Regional Animal Control Vehicle. Captain Newkirk added that when the primary vehicle goes in for service, they have no other vehicle to use during that time. He said they have to upgrade to a size that will hold animal crates, and there is a shift overlap that may use both vehicles at the same time.
Mr. Royals arrived at 8:30 a.m.
Chief Brunoli explained the repairs needed for the ladder truck to Mr. Royals, and said he’d like the Board to approve the purchase of a 2013 vehicle with 25,000 miles for $688,722. Mr. Royals questioned last year’s inspection and how the truck was certified without the problem being noticed.
Mr. Lamoin recommended the ladder truck be repaired. Mr. Castro said his issue is the integrity of the vehicle after repairs. Deputy Chief Pepler reminded the Board that this is an aerial device. Mr. Royals said the rust is due to the material used on the roads.
Regarding the Regional Animal Control Vehicle, Mr. Royals said the new truck was supposed to handle everything. Councilor Ruwet suggested this be tabled until the other towns can provide input.
Mr. Lamoin asked if Cruisers could be used as backup vehicles. Captain Newkirk replied that the cages will not fit and 4-wheel drive or all-wheel drive is needed. He reminded the board that postponing purchases adversely affects the Vehicle Replacement Plan and makes it difficult for Fleet Maintenance.
At 8:52 a.m., Mayor Carbone asked the Police Captain, Fire Chief and Deputy Fire Chief to leave the room to allow the Board to deliberate.
Tabled: Purchase of 100’ Ladder Truck
Mr. Royals made a motion to repair the truck and then amended his motion to have Marola Motors look at it. Mr. Castro reiterated that they need certification for the aerial part, which Marola cannot provide. He noted that there is a lot of liability for this unit. There was no second.
Councilor Ruwet made a motion to table pending additional information regarding the cost of repairs, seconded by Mr. Royals, and unanimously approved.
Denied: Purchase Detective Unit Vehicle
On a motion by Councilor Ruwet, seconded by Mr. Royals, the Board voted unanimously in opposition to the replacement of #1208, a 2003 Crown Vic.
Traffic Pickup with Plow
On a motion by Councilor Ruwet, seconded by Mr. Lamoin, the Board voted unanimously to replace the Traffic Pickup Truck #1800.
Two Police Vehicles
On an amended motion by Councilor Ruwet, seconded as amended by Mrs. Zucco, the Board voted unanimously to replace two out of the three vehicles #3009, #3011, #3016 at Mr. Castro’s discretion after he evaluates them.
Tabled: Regional Animal Control Vehicle
On a motion by Councilor Ruwet, seconded by Mrs. Zucco, the Board voted unanimously to table the replacement of vehicle #3049 pending further information.
Tabled: Ford Expedition for Supervisors
On a motion by Mr. Royals, seconded by Councilor Ruwet, the Board voted unanimously to table the replacement of vehicle #3074.
On a motion by Councilor Ruwet, seconded by Mr. Royals, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn at 9:14 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Carol Anderson