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Minutes 01/10/2014
Vehicle Replacement Advisory Board
Regular Meeting
January 10, 2014

A Regular Meeting of the Vehicle Replacement Advisory Board was held on Friday, January 10, 2014 in the Mayor's Office.

Present were Mayor Carbone, Fleet Manager Emil Castro, Comptroller Alice Proulx, City Council representative Ann Ruwet, Board of Finance representative Bill Lamoin, Board of Public Safety Representative Robert Conforti, Board Member Glenn Royals, Director of Public Works Gerald Rollett, Superintendant of Streets Robert Lizotte, Fire Chief Gary Brunoli, Deputy Fire Chief Christopher Pepler, Purchasing Agent Pennie Zucco and Mayoral Aide Timothy Waldron.  Board of Finance representative Mark Bushka was absent.  

Mayor Carbone opened the meeting at 9:00 a.m.   

Purchase 3 Replacements for Street Dept.
Mr. Castro explained that two patch trucks are due to be replaced, and that one is out of service for a king pin replacement and low engine power.  He said that since a lower weight vehicle will suffice, a lower price can be found.  Mr. Castro noted that only one needs a plow, instead of the two that currently have plows, so further savings can be found.  The vehicle that does have a plow has been budgeted for $75,000 but will cost $77,000, he said, and the one without a plow will cost $62,000, when its budget is for $70,000.  Mr. Castro said the combined purchase will be under budget.

Mr. Castro said the Patch truck vehicle will be replaced with a Terra Star 19,500 g.v.w. vehicle which is better built, lower to the ground, and more mechanically friendly.  These are Internationals, he said.  Mr. Castro noted that reducing the weight of the vehicle saves about $20,000.

Mr. Royals commended vendor Marty Merola for his service and price.  Mr. Castro said they have even opened their doors for the City on a Saturday morning during past storms.

Mr. Castro said the 2003 utility vehicle reached the end of its service life and can be purchased for $5,000 under budget.  

Mr. Royals pointed out that these purchases are listed in the Vehicle Replacement Plan and are under budget.

On a motion by Mrs. Ruwet, seconded by Mr. Lamoin, the Board voted unanimously to purchase  three replacements for the Street Department; (2) 19,500 GVW vehicles and (1) crew-cab utility vehicle.

Replace Fire Chief's Vehicle
Mr. Castro said he'd like to retire the 1998 Taurus that is in the car pool and replace it with the 2007 Taurus that the Fire Chief operates.  He'd then like to purchase an Explorer for the Fire Chief.  He said this upgrade will ultimately save the City money, and noted that the 1998 Taurus is beyond its service life and is a rust bucket.

Mr. Royals reminded everyone that the Board had decided to reduce the number of vehicles in the fleet and have more departments use the car pool.

Mr. Castro said the pool is already down one vehicle, and noted that the 2001 Engineering vehicle is overdue for replacement.

Mayor Carbone asked if there will be sufficient vehicles in the pool.  Mr. Castro said that he'll have to talk to the City Engineer first..

Ms. Proulx asked if the Engineering vehicle will be removed from the replacement schedule.

Mr. Royals said the goal is to have every vehicle in a car pool.  Mr. Rollett explained that the Engineering Department keeps their vehicle stocked with what they need to work in the field.

Mayor Carbone clarified the item to be voted on as follows:  Place the Fire Chief's vehicle in the car pool, purchase a new one for the Fire Department, and leave the Engineering vehicle in rotation until there is further discussion.  That way, she said, we are not adding another vehicle, but also are not accomplishing the long term goal of reducing the fleet.

Mr. Castro said he may be able to reduce the fleet after he consults with the Engineering Department when their next replacement is due.

On a motion by Mr. Lamoin, seconded by Mrs. Zucco, the Board voted unanimously to retire vehicle 3032 (1998 Taurus) in the car pool,  replace it with the Fire Chief's 2007 Taurus and purchase an Explorer in its place.

Tabled:  Discussion Vehicle Replacement Policy – Police Dept.
Mr. Castro said there are potential replacements due in the Police Department, but Chief Maniago couldn't make it to the meeting today.

Mrs. Ruwet moved to table this discussion, seconded by Mr. Conforti, and unanimously approved.

On a motion by Mrs. Zucco, seconded by Mr. Royals, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn at 9:24 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Carol Anderson