Vehicle Replacement Advisory Board
Regular Meeting
August 12, 2013
A Regular Meeting of the Vehicle Replacement Advisory Board was held on Monday, August 12, 2013 in the Mayor's Office.
Present were Mayor Bingham, Fleet Manager Emil Castro, Comptroller Alice Proulx, Police Chief Michael Maniago, Board Member James Potter, Board of Finance representative Bill Lamoin and Mayoral Aide Timothy Waldron. Board of Finance representative Mark Bushka, Board Member Glenn Royals, and City Council representative Gerald Zordan were absent.
Mayor Bingham opened the informal meeting at 9:06 a.m.
Regional Animal Control Vehicle
Chief Maniago explained that with the new Regional Animal Control operation there is more territory to cover, a primary vehicle is needed and the current Ford Explorer is on its last legs. He explained the new vehicle will be able to handle multiple calls, have a multiple-animal capacity, include a winch for lifting large animals and contain both heated and air conditioned compartments. He stressed that it is important to have the ability to handle many animals at one time.
Chief Maniago said the $44,000 cost will be paid for in part by Litchfield and Goshen, with fuel and maintenance portions billed quarterly.
Mr. Lamoin asked if the former vehicle will be kept as a spare, and Chief Maniago said it will be used for additional staff, as a replacement if the primary vehicle breaks down, to be taken to schools and to drop off carcasses.
Mr. Lamoin asked what Torrington's portion of the cost is and Ms. Proulx said 75%.
Mr. Potter asked what is currently done with bigger animals. Chief Maniago replied that a trailer is used. He said animals and carcasses are lifted manually, adding that this is dangerous, causing injuries to staff.
Chief Maniago noted that decals and radio communications are not yet included in the cost.
Mr. Lamoin asked how this should be handled within the Vehicle Replacement Fund and Ms. Proulx said there is no funding for this currently. It will have to be incorporated in the restructuring of the Vehicle Replacement Plan, she said, and noted that care should be taken to avoid setting a precedent by adding vehicles to the plan.
Mr. Potter asked how long the vehicle will last and Mr. Castro said 15 years.
Mr. Castro expressed concern that Torrington could get stuck with the vehicle after the one-year pilot program ends. Mayor Bingham said it is unlikely that the regionalization will end. He said next year a study will be completed that may make recommendations and suggest available funding. Mayor Bingham said he expects a new organization will be formed that will include other towns, and in the long term, there is a strong sense that this operation should be regionalized.
Chief Maniago noted that it will take six to eight weeks to build the vehicle, and the program is already meeting its limitations after just starting on August 1st.
Mr. Lamoin said the whole idea makes sense but we have to know how we'll pay for it. Mayor Bingham said the program seems very forward-thinking. Ms. Proulx stressed that if this purchase is made, the plan to replenish the Vehicle Replacement Funds needs to be very clear. Mayor Bingham suggested the payback be made in increments. Ms. Proulx said the City should then adhere to that. Mr. Lamoin recommended it be paid back over three years.
Mr. Potter asked if the Chief is certain that this is the type of vehicle that will best serve Animal Control needs. Chief Maniago reassured him that six months of research was completed and other agencies were consulted.
Mr. Castro suggested the purchasing process be shortened by purchasing the cab and chassis off State bids, and by using Chief Maniago's choice as a sole source vendor. Ms. Proulx said the Purchasing Agent will determine that.
Regional Animal Control Vehicle Continued
The Board agreed to move forward with this purchase.
City Hall Vehicle Usage
Mayor Bingham updated the Board on the City Hall Vehicle Pool saying that it is going well and there have been no major complaints.
Mr. Castro suggested City Hall join in the Police Department's agreement with the car washing vendor.
The meeting ended at 9:34 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Carol Anderson