Tuesday, February 5, 2009
PRESENT: Burrville Volunteer Fire Department Jason Andrews and Robert Vogt, Torrington Emergency Management Tom Vannini, Dept. Public Works Jerry Rollett, Torrington Fire Chief John Field, NWCTD Tammy Ostroski and Carol Deane, Torrington Police Chief Robert Milano, Torrington WPCA Ray Drew, Torrington Senior Center Joel Sekorski, Charlotte Hungerford Hospital Paul Rabeuf, City Council Member Rick DallaValle, CSI Catharina Ohm, Fred Rosa, Campion Ambulance.
The meeting was called to order by Chief Field at 10:05 a.m.
Chief Field thanked Rick Dalla Valle for hosting the meeting - Introductions around the table
Motion to accept the minutes of the November 5, 2008 meeting made by Rick Dalla Valle, seconded by Tammy Ostroski
Emergency Response Plan
Tom Vannini handed out copies of the Emergency Response Plan to those who had not received them. This is the most up to date version (as of 12/08) and has been accepted by the State – one of the best they have seen so far. Tom stressed that the information is not to be given out to anyone. If anyone receives a request for a copy of the plan, or any information contained therein, they should file a request and forward it to Tom Vannini. The Department of Emergency Management rules on giving out the information. The Plan contains information pertaining to evacuations routes, pet shelters, notification systems, and contains names and phone numbers. Tom stated that the plan may change as the Feds have a new format so the entire plan may have to be rewritten as it ties
into Federal money.
Contingency Plan
Chief Field stated that he needs to update the Contingency Plan. It was last updated in 2003 and it is time. It is due yearly in March. He said he hopes to have it updated before the next meeting, and have it approved at the next meeting. It is mostly updating names and telephone numbers.
The LEPC is part of the SERA Title 3 program which deals with Haz-Mat responses.
Regional Planning
Tom Vannini stated that the intent of the Regional Emergency Support Plan is to coordinate and see how the 43 communities will work together in the event of a large scale incident.
In the Torrington area the plan is comprised of three Emergency Management divisions with a Duty Officer for each division – Housatonic Valley Division, Central Naugatuck Division and the Northwest Corner Division. The Duty Officer will basically act as a telephone operator or dispatcher and relay information to the Incident Commander. There will be a meeting of the community CEO’s in November and the plan should be in place by December.
Chief Milano raised some concerns with regard to his department and the emergency response support in sending a highly trained and equipped unit to an incident. His concerns involved manpower and budgetary issues. However, he stated the department had opted to remain in the statewide mutual aid program. Tom Vannini suggested that the police department develop a spending plan for training and enter the request to the Training Committee. Chief Field responded that training is not the issue, that the issue is response to an actual incident. The issue is money – interstate needs an agreement up front in order for the responders to receive payment.
Rick Dalla Valle stated that his support would be in favor of mutual aid as we get as much help from other communities as we give to them.
Chief Milano said that he doesn’t want his department’s capabilities dismantled by their lack of ability to respond to an incident.
Rick Dalla Valle suggested that in approaching the City Council and/or BOS it should be stressed that by participating we receive regional money and if we pass on participation we also pass on the regional monies.
Chief Field mentioned that Governor Rell’s budget placed great emphasis on the state level for regionalization and in that focus there is less of a burden on individual communities.
Rick Dalla Valle stated that it is important to stress that public safety is paramount to the entire community, and Tom Vannini said that regionalization opens up a world of assets to us, as well as expenses.
Fred Rosa asked Tom Vannini if Campion would not get paid unless they had an agreement and Tom said that was correct. Fred said that Campion would not show up if they were not going to be paid. Chief Field told Fred that it is very important that he be involved as much as possible to assure that his voice is heard. Chief Field mentioned that Fred should attend the Regional Emergency Plan Steering Team meeting on Monday. He stated that Health and EMS are two separate entities and they (the committee) don’t think from a commercial standpoint. Commercial services are separate. Fred Rosa said that they (Campion) are the only ones who will show up for a major incident, as the volunteers don’t have the capabilities or staff to respond. Chief Field stated that this plan will
provide a bigger pool to the region with Waterbury and Danbury included and that we can tap into their resources.
Tom Vannini said he welcomed getting EMS involved and Chief Field said they need to hear all perspectives from commercial services. Fred said he was not saying they won’t respond, they need to talk about it as there are statutory requirements. Tom Vannini stated that there was a similar situation with transportation and the use of wreckers. Chief Field said there are zones strategically set up and based around the largest municipalities and it is important that they get their act together to they can respond when needed. Fred Rosa asked if there were any considerations in the Governor’s budget and Chief Field responded that there were none yet. Chief Field said that it may be beneficial for the LEPC to become regional at this point in time.
Chief Field said the last meeting was planning phase of an annual conference to be held in April or May of this year. They are asking local facilities to train -- becoming more active now.
Grant Funding
Chief Field reported that 2006 is done and we can remove it from the agenda.
With regard to 2007, things are starting to happen now. Funding has gone regional which is one more reason for LEPC to go regional. There are approximately 15 or16 items in the estimated spending plan for 2007, with items such as EMS receiving GPS units, signage for Public Works, mobile charges, $140,000 for training (for entire region) and a Mobile Emergency Operations Center (Waterbury receives this year, Torrington/Danbury maybe next year).
Tom Vannini mentioned shelters (trailers) and pet shelters. He stated that Torrington is in line to get a trailer but they have to establish a pet shelter as well in order to receive the federal funding. Then they will have to maintain and store it.
Chief Field mentioned that there is additional funding for communications for items such as Home Security equipment and that the Local Public Safety Task Force, Haz-Mat and Law Enforcement have funds available and are seeking to hire consultants.
Fred Rosa asked Tom Vannini about new Stock Boxes. Tom said that there were stock boxes stored in a warehouse but the batteries had gone dead as the manufacturer failed to inform that they needed to be stored in a climate controlled environment on a charger. At the moment they are waiting for outcome of discussions with the manufacturer.
Chief Field gave a brief explanation of what the stock box is and how it is intended to function in allowing various entities to all communicate with each other. There is a meeting scheduled for Monday to being working on priorities for the 2008 grant.
2009 will be added to the agenda. The state is currently working to establish priorities for ’09, but will most likely be a continuance of the ’07 priorities. Expect a level funding of $1,000,000 for the next two years. There will be an emphasis on less equipment and more on exercises in use of plans and equipment.
Chief Field covered communications in previous section.
Chief Field reported that he had good news. The Torrington Fire Department would be hosting an ICS300 class beginning on 2/19 and continuing 2/26, 3/2, 3/ 4, 3/9, 3/11, 3/19 and 3/24. The classes will run from 7-10p.m. and all classes must be attended. Prerequisites are ICS100 and ICS200. Chief Field asked anyone who wishes to attend to contact him. He said this class is for management positions, EOC personnel and supervisors.
Tom Vannini again mentioned that requests for training be submitted as there is $140,000 available for this purpose that must be spent by December. However, that amount is for the entire region. Training for police/ambulance, mass fatality training and communications training is available.
Tier II Reporting
Tier II forms are starting to come in now. They are due by March and are kept on file at the Fire Department. One copy goes to LEPC and one to Fire Department. These forms help to identify NEHS, hazardous substances at primary facilities.
Priorities for 2009
- Training – Discussed above
- ID Cards – Pam Edwards reported that the Salamander System has been upgraded and the ID cards will be printed within the next few weeks. A few pictures are still needed for some LEPC members. Chief Field mentioned that some categories for Public Works employees need to be added and we will work to get their cards out soon.
Rick Dalla Valle asked about changes to qualifications and how often the cards would be changed to reflect those changes. It was determined that a review would be done once a year to upgrade information and produce new cards.
- Regionalization of LEPC – Discussed above.
- Transportation Plan – Chief Field reported that he had met with Tammy Ostroski and Joel to discuss a transportation plan. He had suggested that they get together with Tom Vannini as some things may already be in place. They are scheduled to meet on Tuesday, 2/10 along with All Star Transportation and Kelley. Tom Vannini said that he is looking for an MOU from the bus companies and he will need a list of equipment and contact numbers from them. Chief Field also mentioned that when he met with Joel and Tammy they discussed access to their buildings by the Fire Department in case of emergency so it was productive in that area as well.
Member Issues
Tom Vannini reported that a $15,000 grant has been received to upgrade equipment at the EOC. Items include a satellite phone, video conferencing equipment and a copier. Two televisions were also acquired for the EOC through a different grant.
Rick Dalla Valle mentioned that he was curious about those who were missing from the meeting, such as representatives from area food banks and shelters. He wondered whether they should be invited to become part of the LEPC. Chief Field said that he would take that into consideration.
Tom Vannini said that Oliver Wolcott Technical School has offered the school as a shelter and alternative care site for hospital services. They have two huge generators, though it is not known what they run, and it would cost approximately $3,000 to have an electrician make the determination. Charlotte Hungerford is getting a grant and may use $3,000 of it for that determination. The school has the area available for helicopter landings, loading docks, hospital beds, supplies and equipment, can feed up to 250 people at one time and will offer its food staff (with reimbursement). He said that we will use them. He also reported that Torringford School is on the table as a shelter and the thought right now is for it to serve as a shelter for city personnel and their families.
Catharina Ohm raised the subject to training for animal shelters. She also mentioned that she had put a big group of people through the CERT program. Rick Dalla Valle told her he would hold a class for the animal shelters. They would discuss the logistics.
Chief Field talked about the Regional Public Safety Task Force and the cooperation of the Public Works departments from the area who came to the aid of Goshen in the aftermath of the December 12th ice storm. The Town of Goshen was very appreciative of the help they received. They also found areas where there was room for improvement in preparations such as back up of information stored on computers and informing the public of how to prepare, where emergency shelters would be located, etc. CL&P would like better communications with the towns in these situations. Tom Vannini mentioned that as an example of how the regional program works, behind the scenes Danbury was loading cots and other supplies in preparation to bring up to this area if needed.
Jerry Rollett mentioned that he felt there should be better training at the CEO’s level to better understand how these programs work. Tom Vannini said that there is some CEO training coming in the next couple of months. Chief Field said that another lesson learned in Goshen was in regard the staffing of the EOC’s and the number of continuous hours spent there by individuals. He also mentioned that Goshen had been able to reach 69% of their population through their program.
Chief Field reported that Paul Rabeuf and Charlotte Hungerford had been working on several plans including the evacuation of CHH, as well as what to do in the event of a situation where the hospital has no water, such as a water main break. Chief Field said that Paul would share this with the group once he had completed the plans, and it would be added to the agenda.
A motion was made to adjourn at 11:30 a.m. by Tom Vannini, seconded by Chief Milano.
The next meeting will be held at the Senior Center on April 7,2009.