In Attendance: Phil Kozlak, Comm. Jim Potter, Chief Michael Maccalous, Deputy Chief Tom Harmon, Dan Kibbe, Dennis Andrews, Chief Ken Marques, Chief Dauphanais, Deputy Chief Gary Brunoli
From the Public – Brian Cornell, Charlie Marciano, Corey Tucker
The meeting was called to order by Deputy Chief Gary Brunoli at 19:00 hours
A motion was made by Chief Marques and seconded by Chief Maccalous to accept the minutes from September 8, 2010 as read.
Deputy Chief Brunoli reported that the tanker Purchase Order has been cut, they have it in hand. He hasn’t taken a look at the schedule yet. Chief Maccalous asked about the schedule and DC Brunoli will check tomorrow in case Chief Maccalous wants to go take a look. The Pumper chassis should be delivered sometime in the next couple of weeks. Emil has forwarded to the DC the new, updated Mercury Apparatus Replacement plan for the city. He went through it and checked what we had put in. It needs to be adjusted and Emil is fixing that so Alice will have the correct numbers. It is almost done.
Asked if the city is going to help Torringford out with an old truck while theirs is down, DC Brunoli said, “right now we aren’t putting anything in the firehouse. If Engine17 goes down we will get them something to use.” They are going to use Engine 5 for driver training and make sure their pump operators are trained.
When asked if any time-line has been given on the tanker, DC Brunoli said probably sometime in February or March.
DC Brunoli said those present have probably heard on the radio that TFD is using Hot and Cold response now. He said that we’re trying to get more into the LCD jargon to make it easier. That should be coming fully out next week. The Chief is working on combining the accountability policies together, the system and policy itself. A few issues came up after the Wolcott Avenue fire which need to be adjusted. DC Brunoli asked that if anyone needs new cards to let him me know so we can get information into the computer and back out. He said it only takes a few minutes to make them.
Asked, “If on the hot/cold response where it says they are eliminating the Code 4 – are they just not going to say that over the radio?” DC Brunoli replied that is correct. There is a spot on the CAD report so we have it on the report. If no one signs on, there is no need to say it on the air.
On the Black Helmet Policy, DC Brunoli said that some guys have been sending their stuff down to the Chief. He then asked if there were any questions on the policy. DC Brunoli said he knew that Brian Cornell had asked for some information. Brian replied that he just wanted a copy for documentation and he thanked DC Brunoli.
DC Brunoli reported that Training Officer Hepburn has been off this week, but he has met with the volunteer departments training officers and the schedule is going well. He asked that if anyone felt the need for training or classes to feel free to contact the Training Officer.
It was mentioned that there is going to be a State Certified Fire Police Class on 11/23 and 12/21 at Drakeville Fire Department @6:30pm.
The Equipment Account Balance was reported at $24,380.37
DC Brunoli reported that Training Officer Hepburn has been doing gear inspections, and he has received a couple of emails. He then addressed the helmet issue. He reported that the NFPA standard is that after 10 years the helmet gets retired, but we are not doing that. He stated that helmets will be inspected and if it’s in good shape and there are no issues the helmets will not be replaced. The wear and tear on volunteer helmets versus the career fire fighters is much different and it would be too costly to adhere to the NFPA standards. Helmets will be inspected for condition, not necessarily age, and be replaced on an as needed basis. Hoods can be used as long as they are not stretched out and there are no holes. We should have some new ones in a couple of weeks. A
question was raised as to liability if the helmets are not replaced and the standard is not followed. DC Brunoli said to document that they have been inspected and inspect them more frequently to keep up on the maintenance. We need to keep our people safe but at the same time use our head a little bit and not just replace. We will replace them a few at a time. Discussion regarding replacing some rubber boots followed. DC Brunoli will check on getting some prices.
Nothing new to report on the Strategic plan for City of Torrington.
No Correspondence received
No Comments from public
Commissioner Potter spoke about trying to get some more information about the budgetary needs and cost of doing business as budget talks will be starting soon. He would like to get something from each department to review. Over the last two or three budget seasons the mayor has had people from each board have a couple of meetings together and discuss the city’s budgets as a whole. He has a copy of what the Comptroller handed out with regard to costs which basically reflects what the city looks at as cost to the city on budgetary costs. That doesn’t include what kind of money the career fire department is spending on training costs and the like. He stated that we have been forewarned that money will be tight this coming budget year. He would like to see a committee go to the City with
realistic numbers for what is needed.
A two page document was distributed that was put together by the 3 volunteer departments showing a side by side comparison of each department’s bottom line expenditures. This was considered a good starting point with the goal being to present numbers to Commissioner Potter.
Dan Kibbe announced his retirement and said he was glad he had been a part of the group and that a lot of progress has been made over the years. His replacement will be announced at a later date.
Discussions followed on the fire ground frequencies and reprogramming of radios, better utilization of the volunteers and their equipment, computers for the volunteer departments, and an update on the move of the dispatch center and the building addition to fire headquarters.
DC Brunoli said he welcomes any questions and/or comments on any subject, as well as any suggestions anyone may have. Please send an email or call.
The meeting was adjourned at 20:02 – motion was made by Larry Dauphanais and seconded by Mike Maccalous. The next meeting is scheduled for January 12, 2011 at Torrington Fire Department Headquarters.