Cultural Affairs Committee
5:00 PM
City Hall Council Chambers
Those in Attendance:
Osvaldo Rosado, Tom Bott, William Battle, Stephen Nocera, A. Bates Lyons, Ryan J. Bingham
Old Business-
General discussion over the welcome package/booklet. Osvaldo was going to compile all of the information that was gathered. He also wanted to work with Oliver Wolcott Technical School or Torrington High School to help produce and print the book.
New Business-
There was lengthy discussion between Bates Lyons, Osvaldo Rosado, and Bill Battle about the Superintendent Search. The Board of Education wants to involve the entire community in the search for the next Superintendent of Schools.
The next discussion was about mentoring and counseling Middle School and High School kids about post school options with trips to NWCC/Bristol Tech, getting kids involved with SAT prep, and a group of kids of non-English speakers emphasizing tutoring for math, reading, and writing.
There was general discussion on educational policies, ESL qualifiers, and shortening the span to learn English.
Bill Battle talked about Torrington teaching kids about classic Hispanic literature and historical figures.
Osvaldo talked about wanting to get back to encouraging people to embrace new cultures.
Meeting adjourned at 6:00 PM
Next meeting scheduled for October 6th, 5:00 PM