TECC Steering Committee Minutes
Meeting Held Friday, April 24, 2015
Called to Order at 10:06a.m.
In Attendance: Donna Labbe/TECC, Elaine Hanscom/TECC, Mary Cecchinato/TECC Co-Chair, Jan Lyon/Child Growth & Development Work Group Co-Chair, Michelle Anderson/FRC & Fiscal Agent Rep EDUCATION CONNECTION, Cindy Guerreri/WCGMF, Cheryl Klockzo/Education Work Group Co-Chair, Donna Farr/TECC Sustainability Co-Chair & Family Srvc. Manager EDUCATION CONNECTION Pre-Natal to 5, Karla Woodworth/PEP facilitator, Cheryl Petersen/TECC Co-chair, Sarah Bassit, TECC/PEP Parent
Agenda Items:
Minutes from our last meeting were approved as printed.
Budget Update
Current budget expenditures were handed out and reviewed. Funding for the next fiscal year is dependent upon the state’s budget process.
Community Assessment
An annual community assessment requested by the WCGMF was facilitated by Cindy Guerreri. The following areas were reviewed: Collaboration, Parent Leadership and Engagement, Local Leadership, Staff Support, and Meaningful Local Match. Areas identified as needing improvement will be added to the Steering Committee’s cross-sector work section of the community plan.
Internal/External Communications
Work done to date on an orientation packet for new members of TECC was distributed to the group. By-law revisions were proposed and given out to the group to review for the next meeting. An external communications plan is still being fleshed out and this work will continue through the summer with a marketing consultant.
Next meeting will be May 15th.
Meeting adjourned at 12:02p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Elaine Hanscom, TECC Secretary