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Minutes 04/21/2014 Educ Wkgp
Torrington Early Childhood Collaborative (TECC) Education Workgroup Meeting Minutes

Meeting held on April 21, 2014.

Called to Order at 12:20pm by Cheryl Kloczko, Workgroup Co-Chair. Minutes from our last meeting
were approved as printed.

In Attendance: Elaine Hanscom/TECC, Lucille Fines/Vogel Wetmore (1st Grade), Eileen Smedick/Vogel
Wetmore (Kindergarten), Paula Gajewski/Torrington Public Schools (TPS), Mary Cecchinato/Torrington
Child Care Center, Patrice Nelson/CT Center for School Change, Deb Thompson/Family Resource Center,
Donna Labbe/TECC & TPS, Cindy Guerreri/ William Caspar Graustein Memorial Foundation (WCGMF),
Carmella Galipault/HeadStart, Paula Romanelli/HeadStart, Susan Fergusson/TPS, Debbie Collins/Future
Foundations, Valerie Chivinski/Hilltop Christian Nursery School, Shawn Marie Dumond/School Readiness

Items Discussed:

SCHOOL READINESS STATE GRANT- Shawn Marie Dumond reported that 2 programs have applied to be
considered for new slots in Torrington for the next fiscal year. Those applications are being reviewed
and are expected to be voted on at our next meeting. 34 slots have been requested by these 2
programs. Also, Head Start had 3 temporary slots assigned there for this year and have applied to have
these expansion slots filled for next year as well. There was discussion about full day kindergarten in the
city’s budget plan for next school year and that availability of full day preschool slots could increase if
full day kindergarten is approved. Providers are concerned about filling their spaces if full day
kindergarten is approved.

LEGISLATIVE UPDATE- Mary Cecchinato reported that the bill to establish the Office of Early Childhood
(OEC) is still not through the legislature. Money from the state budget has been allocated to the OEC
though. The CT Early Childhood Alliance is sending out emails with updates on the legislative process.

AT A GLANCE STRATEGIES- Donna Labbe lead discussion and word smithing on this consolidated
document, which lists consistent strategies among all of TECC’s workgroups. No changes made to
Preschool/School Readiness section of document except grammar corrections to one sentence.

BIRTH THROUGH 8 PLAN- Cindy Guerreri facilitated discussion to populate Tasks, Responsible Parties &
Timelines in our plan document under Preschool/School Readiness Strategy 1, Action B, which is to
engage parents in participation, implementation, & evaluation of Kindergarten transition policies and
practices in Torrington.

Meeting adjourned at 2:05pm. Next meeting scheduled for 5-12-14.

Respectfully submitted by Elaine Hanscom, TECC Secretary.