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Minutes 04/21/2014 Steering
Torrington Early Childhood Collaborative (TECC) Steering Committee Meeting Minutes

Meeting held on April 21, 2014.

Called to Order at 10:14am by Cheryl Petersen, TECC Co-Chair. Minutes from our last meeting were
accepted as printed.

In Attendance: Michelle Anderson/Education Connection& Family Resource Center, Elaine
Hanscom/TECC, Donna Farr/Head Start, Donna Labbe/TECC & TPS, Cindy Guerreri/ William Caspar
Graustein Memorial Foundation (WCGMF), Cheryl Petersen/TECC, Cheryl Kloczko/TPS, Paula

Items Discussed:
Outreach Coordinator’s Report- Donna Labbe reported that our next application for funds from
WCGMF will be completed this week. Proposed budget for next fiscal year (July1, 2014 to June 30,
2015) was provided to the group.

Community Self-Assessment- Cindy Guerreri facilitated discussion for assessment to be included in
WCGMF grant application. Areas of assessment included Collaborative, Parent & Leadership
Engagement, Staff Support and Meaningful Local Match. Areas identified as needing to work on were
public relations materials, systemic data collection, parent leadership training opportunities, and
leadership succession planning.

Meeting adjourned at 11:53am. Next meeting scheduled for 5-12-14.

Respectfully submitted by Elaine Hanscom, TECC Secretary