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Minutes 03/10/2014 Educ Wkgp Updated
Torrington Early Childhood Collaborative (TECC) Education Workgroup Meeting Minutes   
Meeting held on March 10, 2014.
Called to Order at 12:15p.m. by Cheryl Kloczko, Workgroup Co-Chair.  Minutes from our last meeting were reviewed and approved as printed.     
In Attendance:  Elaine Hanscom/TECC, Mary Cecchinato/Torrington Child Care Center,  Donna Labbe/TECC & Torrington Public Schools (TPS), Cindy Guerreri/ William Caspar Graustein Memorial Foundation (WCGMF), Cheryl Kloczko/TPS, Eileen Smedick/Vogel Wetmore K, Paula Romanelli/Head Start, Carmella Galipault/Head Start, Lucilee Fines/Vogel Wetmore/ 1st, Mayor Carbone/City of Torrington, Patrice Nelson/CCSC-TA
Items Discussed:
School Readiness (SR)-  Request for Proposal applications for new slots for fiscal year July 2014 to June 2015 has been posted locally, sites need to have space available for new slots.  Applications are due to Shawn Marie Dumond, SR Liaison, by 4-2-14.   
SR Scholarships-  Fourth candidate was unable to use funds, motion made to allow $280 to be used by candidate #5 (of previously reviewed applications) for classes.  Motion passed, with three abstentions.
Consolidated Plan-  At a Glance document presented to group, Strategies reviewed for updates to language.  Reviewed work done on plan at previous meeting, revisited discussion of numeracy skills and where does it fit in our literacy strategies?  Agreed that Donna Labbe will provide information on new research and data on importance of numeracy skills, to see if a new indicator is needed for numeracy skills.   Need to flesh out tasks related to each action under indicators.   

Next Education Workgroup meeting scheduled for 4-21-14.  
Meeting adjourned at 2:00p.m.   
Respectfully submitted by Elaine Hanscom, TECC Secretary.