Torrington Early Childhood Collaborative (TECC) Education Workgroup Meeting Minutes
Meeting held on December 9, 2013. Called to Order at 12:12pm by Cheryl Kloczko, Education Workgroup Chair.
Minutes from last meeting were approved as printed.
In Attendance: Elaine Hanscom/TECC, Lucille Fines/Torrington Public Schools (TPS), Eileen Smedick/TPS, Paula
Gajewski/TPS, Mary Cecchinato/Torrington Child Care Center, Patrice Nelson/CT Center for School Change, Deb
Thompson/Family Resource Center, Cheryl Kloczko/TPS, Donna Labbe/TECC & TPS, Teresa Allen/Girl Scouts of CT,
Claudia Ocasio/Even Start, Cindy Guerreri/ William Caspar Graustein Memorial Foundation (WCGMF), Charlene
Lee/Brooker Memorial, ShawnMarie Dumond/School Readiness Liaison, Carmella Galipault/HeadStart, Paula
Items Discussed:
SCHOOL READINESS(SR)- SR Liaison ShawnMarie Dumond- The State Dept of Education (SDE) unmet needs survey will
be completed by Dec 16th.
New Request for Proposal going out for minor capital improvements, all communities encouraged to apply, not limited
to security and technology.
CT Charts-A- Course up and running, requesting all sites to update their staff registry.
At this point, the number of SR slots expected to stay the same for next year.
Three local SR scholarships have been awarded for child care providers pursuing higher education classes, to be used for
Spring 2014 classes. We had seven applicants.
Motion made by Cheryl Kloczko to award four scholarships instead of three as there were extra funds available since one
applicant did not need full amount, seconded by Elaine Hanscom. 3 abstentions- Mary Cecchinato, Carmella Galipault &
Paula Romanelli. Motion passed. Award will go to the next qualified applicant from previously reviewed applications.
Kindergarten Readiness Fair Event Update- plans reviewed for the date, volunteers needed for afternoon hours. Need
to get the word out in the community.
Child Find Project- 30% of incoming kindergarteners have been identified out of eligible kindergarteners (from birth
records). It’s critical to know how many kindergarteners are coming in. There will be a community referendum in Spring
2014 regarding renovations to East School and we need to know how many students we need to accommodate.
BIRTH TO 8 PLAN Preschool/School Readiness- Cindy Guerreri WCGMF Liaison-
Results Score Card database– This is a place to load data and can contain our whole implementation plan.
The group worked on populating a Reading Indicator Result section of its plan in the database, with a focus on the
strategy of Full Day Kindergarten. The scorecard site is new & will be live soon for general population viewing.
Meeting adjourned at 2:02pm.
Next meeting scheduled for 1-13-14.
Respectfully submitted by Elaine Hanscom, TECC Secretary.