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Minutes 01/18/2013
Torrington Early Childhood Collaborative
Steering Committee Meeting Minutes
Friday, January 18, 2013

Present: Donna Labbe, Heather Dinneen, Donna Farr, Michelle Anderson, Kim Le Chasseur, Cheryl Peterson, Elaine Hanscom, Cindi Guerreri, Patrice Nelson, Paula Gajewski
Meeting called to order at 9:10AM
Minutes from the December 2013 meeting were accepted with one amendment.
Grade Level Reading Campaign Focus Group: Kimberly Le Chasseur led the group through a series of focus group questions, including gathering information on the background/history of TECC, what collaboration with community partners has been like, and how issues in the community have been impacted by these collaborations.  Kim is interviewing groups across Connecticut and will be coming back to Torrington for another session with TECC in May 2013.
Work Group Updates:
Family Engagement: Cheryl Petersen reported that Dr. Curi has agreed to speak at the Forbes Literacy Center.  Paula G. and Cheryl P. will select a date that will work for everyone.  
The Issues Guide that Cheryl P. and Karla W. worked on over the last year will be published in the spring.
Sustainability: Donna L. reported that she is working on a number of grants this month.  The 501 c 3 application will move forward after the Steering Committee reviews and amends TECC’s by-laws at the February meeting.
Elaine H. requested that a chart showing all active and pending grants for TECC be included with future agendas so the Committee is clear on the various funders and programs.
Child Growth & Development:  The Birth through Graduation group is planning a dental screening event for all children born in 2011 (turning 2 this year).
Education: Paula G. reported that there are a number of events coming up at the Forbes Literacy Center, including sessions on the Development of Language, Bullying and Classroom Management and an Open House for early childhood educators.  Paula is also collaborating with the Torrington Library once a week to run programs there.  The group discussed how attendees are being tracked at the Literacy Center and ways to measure the impact that the Center is having on the community.
Even Start: Donna L. has been in touch with the Aspen Institute in Colorado, where they are beginning to look at return on investment.  This work could lead to additional grant opportunities.  
A report that tracked 84 graduates of Even Start Programs throughout Connecticut will be released next week.  There will be hearings in Hartford about the Even Start Program in early February.
School Readiness:  Donna L. reported that all of the additional School Readiness slots that were added to Torrington for the 2012-13 school year are full with students being added to Head Start and Torrington Child Care Center.  
Other Business:
Alliance: The Alliance’s display boards, were on display at City Hall for a week and were also at the Kindergarten Readiness Fair.  
By-Laws:  The Committee will review TECC’s by-laws at the next Steering Committee meeting.  After any amendments are made, the process to apply for 501 c 3 status will move forward.
The meeting adjourned at 11AM.  The next meeting will be held on Friday, February 15, 2013 at 355 Migeon Ave. from 9-11AM.
Respectfully submitted by:  Heather Dinneen, TECC Project Manager