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Minutes 09/13/2012 LICC
LICC Minutes 9/13/12
Members present: Janae Peluso, EDUCATION CONNECTION, Donna Labbe: TECC; Ruthann Horvay: Winsted Schools, Regina Strikulis-HS/EHS, Anne Giordano: EDUCATIONCONNECTION, Deb Thompson: Torrington FRC, Jan Lyon: Brooker, Laura Dubrieul: Family Strides, Stephanie Fowler: MD and Parent
We discussed having a start time for meetings change to 9:00 am.  Majority can come for this time.  
Discussed change of structure for meeting.  Community Sharing to be held at the end of the meeting so everyone has ample time for discussion.
Birth to three update: New programs started in July.  They are Children’s Therapy Services, Project Interact and Education connection.  
TECC update: Donna will be doing work with the Torr. Public schools.  Funding was acquired from Board of Ed.  She will continue as project coordinator and Heather Dineen will be taking some of the work.  TECC will become a non-profit, and not need a fiscal agent any longer.  
State update: Rep. Urban looking at accountability and results based.  The 11th there was a panel discussion which held discussion about behavioral health for the community.  A variety of agencies were present.  Some stats about the achievement gap as well as other stats were presented.  
Local work: There is some money for the CVS grant.  The proposal was presented to the group about the Music Therapy proposal and discussion about where it will be located and when.  Having more children enrolled in Help Me Grow program was discussed. The help me grow initiative was discussed and how we can get more families to participate.  
Jan showed the continuum of care draft flow chart and asset map for the resources in the community. is Jan’s email.  Please provide feedback.  
Federal funds for Home visitation was discussed.  (maternal, infant and Child health).  Torrington and Winsted are among the communities involved.  Dept of Public Health was the agency to put together a forum for planning.  9/27 is when it is planned for from 1-3 at Torrington Area Health.  How can we get parents there to help with the planning  It has to be an evidenced base program.  PAT and Child First are two possible models.  PAT changed the curriculum to align with this money and grant opportunity.  60 families to be served with a minimum of 2 visits a month.  Someone from DPH will be facilitating this meeting.  Jim Rokos will also be involved.   
CTFSN: Distributed the new brochures as well as updated us on Fund raiser and Danbury LICC starting in October.  
Laura: has openings for Family Strides. This would involve first time families.  Visits would be once  a week for five years the territory covers all of the northwest corner.  
Anne has received Homeless funding for the next three years.  
Head Start Name has changed: It is now EDUCATIONCONNECTION Head Start prenatal to five.  

Winsted 86 kids for upcoming year (k), 9 did not have pre k experience, 5 of them did not meet anywhere close to benchmarks, a strong corr. Between how well the children did in the pre k programs and the education of the particular staff that worked with the children.