Torrington Early Childhood Collaborative
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
Called to Order by Mary Cecchinato 12:39pm
In Attendance: Donna Labbe, Cindy Guerreri , Heather Kosmulski, Lucille Fines, Brandy Grant, Elaine Hanscom, Cheryl Kloczko, Sue Vivian, Kathleen Wilmes, Mary Cecchinato
Introductions and brief reflections on a personal Kindergarten experience were done. Minutes from last meeting reviewed and approved as printed.
Grants Discussion:
People Empowering People PEP/APEX 2 community projects in the works from the most recent classes held: Fundraiser for local family & community parents forum online. Applying for a $10K grant from NWCommunity Foundation to run 2 PEP classes in the spring.
NW CT Community College Course 8 Torrington & 8 Winsted participants in spring semester class, one of the projects the fall class members chose was a regional resource guide to work on.
Partnership Grant Plan due in June. Received $1600 to use for asset mapping, 2 consultants coming to the Leadership Work Group meeting in February to work on this.
Committee Updates:
School Readiness Sue Vivian & Cheryl Kloczko are visiting preschools to develop relationships. They have prepared a letter to go to the preschools to have parents give permission to send childrens’ names to the schools. The state is revamping its RFP for the school readiness grant to reduce the paperwork required from providers. They are asking about community monitoring forms used. Sue designed forms and used them in her 10 visits last year to local SR programs. State only mandates 4 monitoring visits. Kindergarten Readiness Fair is set for March 7th with the 14th as snow date.
Professional Development Hilltop Nursery School has requested training for parents on Conscious Discipline. Will open the class to the public.
Content being added.
Parent Committee Parents looking for a class that they can take as a group. Speaking to the CT Center for School Change to find a facilitator for a class for parents in search of educational excellence. Heather Kosmulski is currently taking a Parent Leadership Training Institute class in Waterbury.
Budget: No carry over to 2009. Report due in March. $25K for 2009. Still hope to get $5K in funding from the city. Planning grant ends in June 2009.
All-TECC meeting dates proposed-February, one in fall & one in winter.
Meeting adjourned at 1:41pm
Submitted by Elaine Hanscom