Torrington Early Childhood Collaborative/TECC Steering Committee Minutes
Meeting Held Wednesday, November 16, 2016 Called to Order at 6:05p.m. by Mary Cecchinato, Co-Chair
In Attendance: Donna Labbe/TECC & Torrington Public Schools (TPS), Elaine Hanscom/TECC, Mary Cecchinato/Torrington Child Care Center, Cindy Guerreri/Consultant, Cheryl Petersen/Parent & TECC Co-Chair, Cheryl Klockzo/Univ of Hartford, Donna Farr/EDUCATION CONNECTION, Anne Giordano/EDUCATION CONNECTION
Items Discussed:
Minutes- Minutes from our last meeting were approved as printed.
Budget- Current detailed expenditures were reviewed.
Funding- All current funding is scheduled to end June 30, 2017.
The learning grant around WCGMF’s new mission on racial and economic equity in education will entail a 2 ½ day training program to 40 community members from Torrington and Winchester in March 2017.
Additional information has been provided to the Northwest CT Community Foundation in order to be put on the non-profit list to be invited to apply for funds from the Draper Fund in their next funding cycle.
TECC & The Community Family Learning Center have applied together for a City of Torrington grant to support the CFLC’s satellite office in the KidsPlay Museum. Award date is early December 2016.
Sustainability Plan- Potential resources need to be identified and strategies to secure those resources need to be determined. One approach to close the funding gap is to regionalize the work of advocacy and parent engagement through a regional local early childhood council network. There was some discussion of what a budget for that would look like. The CT Funder’s Collaborative has released their report on a framework for a statewide system of early childhood state & local partnerships.
Governance Structure- There was some discussion about how the efforts of the work groups have been embedded in the community and how TECC is no longer tied to a community plan. There needs to be further discussion as to what data still needs to be collected and maintained in the existing scorecard software program.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Elaine Hanscom, TECC Secretary