Torrington Blue Ribbon Commission
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday January 24, 2012
Torrington City Hall, 5 PM Office of the Mayor
Members Present: Mayor Bingham, Ken Traub, Mike Clark, Elinor Carbone, and Douglas O’Connell also present: advisor Mayoral Aide Tim Waldron.
- Mayor Bingham opened the meeting at 5:00 PM on a motion by Mr. Clark, seconded by Ms. Carbone and approved by the membership.
- Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting of 01.10.12 was made on a motion by Mr. O’Connell, seconded by Mr. Clark, and unanimously approved by the commission.
- Mayor Bingham updated the BRC task list:
- Mr. Clark stated that he had met with Mark Eucalitto, Graphics Department head at Olive Wolcott Technical School to discuss OWTS student participation in designing graphics to support the BRC Recycling Education initiative. He stated that Mr. Eucalitto was enthusiastic about his department’s students participating in the program and agreed to design a multi-panel brochure, assorted posters and graphics for inclusion with an update of the City’s website presentation by others. Mr. Clark stated that all materials would be made available with English and Spanish language copy. Mr. Eucalitto also agreed to having students participate in pro-recycling public presentations with City officials and or BRC members; he agreed to arrange a meeting with the Student Council members to discuss the presentation program and solicit
volunteers to present. Mr. Eucalitto felt that once rough drawings etc were presented to the students, he would be able to produce materials mentioned above by March 1st.
- In response to the Mayor’s request that BRC members suggest new areas for cost analysis, Mr. Clark stated that he was beginning a review to determine the potential value of leasing all of the City’s light duty trucks and cars. He stated that he had made initial contact with the State of CT fleet management department to schedule a meeting to get their input and share their experience.
- Mr. Traub asked that presentation of his further analysis regarding City Fire Department equipment levels and utilization be placed on the February 7th BRC agenda; Mr. Clark agreed to do so.
Mayor Bingham reported that Tim Waldron had begun work on a draft survey relating to on-hand equipment in each department. As a minimum, his survey will identify inventory, its condition, age, and assignment of responsibility for each piece as is feasible. Mr. Waldron stated that he would circulate the draft among BRC members for their review and suggestions before finalizing the questionnaire and distributing it to department heads.
Mr. O’Connell suggested that given the likelihood of a tight school budget year ahead, that it might be worthwhile to re-examine the possibility of relocating BOE offices to City Hall. Mr. Traub responded that the issue was worthy of reconsideration , but that there were several other factors in play now that could impact BOE space utilization and BOE office relocation was now a lower priority. In addition, Mr. Traub felt that an in-coming School Superintendent should make a decision of that magnitude; Mr. O’Connell agreed.
5) Other Business:
5) Adjournment:
The meeting was adjourned at 5:50 PM on a motion from Mr. Traub, seconded by Ms Carbone and approved by the commission.
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