Torrington Blue Ribbon Commission
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday November 22, 2011
Torrington City Hall, 5 PM Office of the Mayor
Members Present: Mayor Bingham, Elinor Carbone, Lorel Purcell, Mike Clark, also present: advisor Mayoral Aide Tim Waldron.
- The meeting was opened at 5:00 PM on a motion by Mr. Clark, seconded by Ms. Purcell and approved by the membership.
- Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting of 10.25.11 was made on a motion by Ms. Carbone, seconded by Ms. Purcell, and unanimously approved by the commission.
- Brett Zuraitis, City of Torrington Building Official, presented a brief of overview of a program under consideration for blight reduction in the City. He emphasized that the study was in the beginning stages and that a committee to formulate a recommendation to the Mayor had not been appointed yet. He stated that the issue is being revisited by the City because State statutes have been modified and added to allow Connecticut communities’ stronger enforcement tools to correct blight. Changes referenced are contained in State Statute 7-148 FF. It allows City inspectors to enter exterior areas of properties without owner permission or presence, but only with prior approval by City Council. Owner failure to remedy blight conditions can be handled through a property tax assessment increase, pre-approved by
City Council, with repairs effected through contractors hired by the City. Revenues from blight assessment with be managed in a manner similar to Small City Grant funds. Details will be recommended by the blight committee. Mr. Zuraitis added that blight statutes will now apply to all residences single family and above; they will not apply to commercial buildings. Mr. Zuraitis reminded the commission that the program is in its infancy stages and will be presented at a public hearing by the committee formulating the proposed ordinance prior to being approved by City Officials.
- Ms. Purcell reviewed/ updated the BRC task list and schedule:
Regarding the MSW Program under Review by the BRC, Mr. Clark provided the following information:
- Mr. Clark stated that he had begun work to provide an update to the City web site regarding recycling. He stated that his intention was to attempt to work with the school system to develop an education program among students as well
Regarding Landlord Licensing/Fees:
- Ms Carbone stated that she is working closely with the TAHD to obtain a listing of areas for inclusion in a rental property inspection checklist. She also expressed her intention to work with the Building Official to take advantage of all aspects of the blight program discussed earlier in the meeting.
Regarding the citywide street light program:
- Mayor Bingham stated that the CL&P can no longer drop old street lights to the ground for City pick/disposal at no charge due recent storm related cost overruns.
- Mayor Bingham stated that the City Engineer was preparing a recommendation to City Council for approval of not replacing failed lights if they are in an area excluded from LED light replacement plans. He further stated that there would be an appeals process in place for residents concerned over street light eliminations.
5) Other Business:
- There was no other business presented.
5) Adjournment:
The meeting was adjourned at 5:50 PM on a motion from Mr. Clark, seconded by Ms Carbone and approved by the commission.
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