Torrington Blue Ribbon Commission
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Torrington City Hall, 5 PM Office of the Mayor
Members Present: Mayor Bingham, Mike Clark, Elinor Carbone, and Lorel Purcell
1) Motion to open the meeting at 5 PM by Mr. Clark, second by Ms. Purcell.
2) Minutes of the Meeting of 03.15.11, unanimously approved on a motion by Ms. Carbone, second by Ms. Purcell.
3) Members were asked for their final opinions regarding working from the Blue Ribbon Commission Priority graphic as opposed to the listing system under current use. Mr. Clark explained that the current listing system was cumbersome to read and did not capture task history or present schedule adherence. Mayor Bingham requested that a historical record of meeting progress reports be included as a separate document and that the task graphic be utilized as a means to measure BRC performance relating to scheduled task completion . Mr. Clark agreed to provide task
history information for distribution/presentation at each BRC meeting.
4) Ms. Purcell led a discussion of project status as presented on her graphic:
• Line Item 120 Relocate BOE Offices – Mayor Bingham stated that the relocation of the BOE offices from Migeon Avenue was still under review, but unlikely to happen before the summer recess of 2012. He stated further that the relocation expense had been removed from current budget conversation.
• Line Item 1090 IT Consolidation with BOE– Mayor Bingham stated that talk was in progress concerning shared purchasing and expansion of fiber optic availability in order to achieve voice-over communication, which will favorably impact communication expense. Ms. Carbone said that Burlington Vermont had fiber optics in place and a report was available reviewing that installation. She agreed to send the mayor a copy of that report.
• Line Item 1010 Civilianize Police Records Unit – this task had not yet begun and was tabled
• Line Item 1040 Civilianize Police IT - this task had not yet begun and was tabled
• Line Item 1020 Bid/Purchasing Consolidation – Mayor Bingham asked the commission to expand the bid/purchasing analysis to include a review for regionalization of all of NW Connecticut municipalities and school districts. Ms. Carbone stated that there was a strong likelihood of significant savings being realized by that approach citing the difference in heating fuel costs between the City and Torrington BOE. Mr. Clark agreed to take an active part in the analysis based on his having begun conversations with the City Purchasing Agent already. Mr. Clark suggested that a more realistic completion date of 7.05.2011 would be required given the massive coordination effort added to the scope of the task..
• Line Item 1080 Consolidate Four City FD – Ms. Purcell stated that she had met with Mr. Traub regarding consolidation of the four City fire departments, and felt comfortable that a recommendation would be presented in accordance with the scheduled date of June 23, 2011.
• Line Item 1150 Polling Districts/Registrar Office– Elements of the recommendation are in the process of implementation and the BRC portion of the task is completed.
• Line Item 1190 Analyze TCH 4 Day Workweek – Analysis has not yet begun
• Line Item 1160 Landlord Fees– Mr. Clark requested moving the completion date for that recommendation forward to 6.21.2011. He stated that additional areas for inclusion with this task have developed as research of programs in other cities progresses.
• Line Items 1170 and 1070 Medical Ins Review – Completed
• Line Item 1200 City Vehicle Use– Review of City Hall portion is complete with implementation expected with current budget planning. Ms. Purcell is continuing analysis relevant to the use of the remaining City cars and light trucks.
• Line Item 1220 Creation of Permitting Office – Not currently under review
• Line Item 1000 Energy Audit – BOE is currently conducting its own energy review; results will be reported to the BRC for review and further audit activity throughout the City.
• Line Item 1180 Create Small Thing List – Not specifically under review, however, Mr. Clark stated that he was including some “smaller cost” areas with larger related task work.
• Line Item 1110 BOE/TCH Shared Facilities Mgr – Not currently under review
• Line Item 1050 Shared Maint. Crew Supervisor for City – Not currently under review
• Line Item 1140 Install Plasma Converter – Not currently under review
• Line Item 1130 Review Street Light Program – The Mayor has been reviewing suggestions with the Public Works and Engineering officials and staff; a presentation of their suggestions will be presented at the 4.12.2011 BRC meeting.
5) Ms. Carbone requested that consideration be given to requiring the BOE to hold any excess capital expenditure budget money for ongoing use in that budget line item, rather than allocating to other non-related line items. Her intent is to maintain a consistent program/funding for ongoing upkeep of properties. The Mayor agreed to discus her suggestion with the BOE. Ms. Carbone requested that the City take on a plan similar to the BOE’s for their building, (et al),
property maintenance. The Mayor agreed to review the BOE plan after budgets are completed.
6) Mayor Bingham updated the commission on the likelihood of State funding cuts. His primary concern is a cut of approximately $750,000.00 from the MME subsidy. He stated that there will be a small offset to that cut from shared sales and conveyance tax revenues from the State.
7) Mr. Clark presented a letter from commission member Ed Cook explaining the reasons behind his having missed recent meetings. Mr. Cook explained that business matters had kept him out of the area, but agreed to meet with members evenings and week ends if necessary to have continued input to the BRC. Members were understanding of Mr. Cook’s situation and appreciative of his offer to be available at other times until his schedule cleared during the month of April.
8) Adjournment was approved at 6:25 PM on a motion by Mr. Clark, second by Ms. Purcell.