Torrington Blue Ribbon Commission
Monday, April 11, 2011
Torrington City Hall, 5 PM Office of the Mayor
Members Present: Mayor Bingham, Elinor Carbone, Ken Traub, Mike Clark.
Advisors Present: Superintendent Leone, Stephen Nocera
- The meeting was opened at 5 PM on a motion by Mr. Clark, seconded by Ms. Carbone.
- Minutes of the Meeting of 03.29.11 were approved on a motion by Ms. Carbone, seconded by Mr. Clark , and unanimously approved by the membership, with an abstention from Mr. Traub due to his having missed the 3/29/11 meeting.
- Jerry Rollett, Public Works Director and Ed Fabbri, City Engineer, presented an overview of their recommendation for a program which would reduce the City’s annual street light operating expense by more than $125,000.00. The plan centered on the elimination of 1841 street lights. Under the plan, streetlights would be left at street intersections performing their primary purpose which is traffic safety. Estimated costs to remove streetlights and possibly relocate others would be repaid in four to five years of energy savings. Mayor Bingham stated that the initial expense of the program could not be absorbed in the City’s current budget and that revenue sources or cooperative payment terms would have to be identified before the program discussed could be put in place. Ms. Carbone asked if the program
could be installed in segments rather as one effort. M. Rollett stated that the costs of light removal would likely be higher if that avenue were followed and opined that his opinion was the program should be installed as one effort. Mr. Rollett said he would investigate availability of a delayed payment program generally classified as performance contracting. Mr. Traub asked the relationship between this program and the LED replacement program currently underway, funded by grant monies. Mr. Fabbri stated that the two programs were not connected.
- Member updates of the BRC tasks assigned and schedule concurrence were reviewed by Mayor Bingham and commission members. The task history log was corrected to reflect that monies relating to relocation of BOE offices had not been removed from the budget. Superintendent stated that the relocation study was still a work in process.
- Other Business – There was no other business.
- The meeting was adjourned at 6:20 PM on a motion by Mr. Traub, seconded by Ms. Carbone and unanimously approved by the membership.
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