Torrington Blue Ribbon Commission
Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Torrington City Hall, 5 PM Office of the Mayor
Members Present: Mike Clark, Doug O’Connell, Elinor Carbone, and Lorel Purcell, also present: advisor Danielle Batchelder.
1) The meeting was opened at 5 PM on a motion by Mr. O’Connell, seconded by Ms. Purcell.
2) The Minutes of the Meeting of 03.01.11 were reviewed with a recommendation by Ms. Carbone for amendment to include recording that the BRC task regarding City employee medical insurance coverage has been completed and forwarded to the Mayor for further action. Mr. Clark said the amendment would be made and included with the City Clerk’s records. With that amendment, the minutes were approved on a motion from Ms. Carbone seconded by Mr. O’Connell with one abstention by Ms. Purcell, who was not in attendance at the 3/01/2011 meeting.
3) Ms. Purcell led a discussion of the current status of tasks in progress according to the last published listing from the Mayor’s office.
• Ms Purcell noted that the current format of the task assignment sheet was cumbersome to work with and requested that consideration be given to using the task/schedule “timeline” graphic representation that she had employed during the City Hall renovation. All members present agreed that the existing system was awkward; Mr. Clark stated the format would be refined.
• Ms Batchelder was asked to update the commission on the BOE budget progress: she stated that capital expenditures relating to SE school and Migeon Avenue offices were no longer under consideration and had been removed from the budget. She stated that possible relocation of the BOE offices was still under active consideration and that Mr. Bascetta, BOE Facilities Manager, was actively engaged in obtaining necessary zoning approvals for the Field Street site alternative. She stated that the zoning approval was required for inclusion of an alternative school to be co-located with the offices. Mr. O’Connell asked if Migeon Ave occupation costs had been removed from the budget; they had not. Ms Batchelder read a letter to the BRC from Superintendent Leone stating that the BOE budget proposed
for FY2011-12 will call for a 0% increase in spending in comparison to FY2010-11; the budget will include a decrease in the Operational Budget and an increase in the Capital Budget.
• Mr. Clark stated that the task regarding the Registrar’s function had been submitted to the Mayor and should be removed from the task list.
• Ms. Purcell stated that continuing audit of City vehicle usage was in progress for light duty vehicles. Ms. Carbone suggested that a similar review should be applied to all City vehicles to include heavy equipment and Public Safety vehicles. Mr. Clark agreed, with the caveat that any analysis regarding those categories of equipment includes an advisor knowledgeable in their operation, use and maintenance.
• Consolidation of BOE and all City purchasing functions is in the initial phase. Mr. O’Connell offered a clarification of the intent of the Superintendent’s comments that he was not in favor of that consolidation. He stated that the Superintendent’s remarks were directed towards purchases specific to BOE e.g. text books, and that the BOE would work with the City in all other shared purchases if savings were evident. Ms. Batchelder stated that she often communicates with the City Purchasing Director. All agreed efforts towards purchasing decisions made centrally should be encouraged and analyzed to provide a detailed system of implementation. Mr. Clark suggested that the task list be revised to reflect a more accurate scope, and that he would attend to that.
• Ms. Purcell stated that due to difficulties in scheduling task group meetings there had been no status change in the task concerning combining the City’s four fire departments.
• Mr. Clark stated that the analysis of existing City fees was being structured to comply with the objectives and guidance of programs outlined by the Government Financial Officers Association. He stated that a draft recommendation would be made available at the next BRC meeting.
• Mr. O’Connell stated that review of a street light replacement program was currently in process and would be presented at the next BRC meeting assuming that Public Safety officials had offered their comments beforehand.
4) An update on State budget considerations with respect to impact on municipalities was not presented due to Mayor Bingham’s absence.
5) The BOE budget progress was included with Ms. Batchelder’s comments above.
6) Mr. Clark stated that he had received the formal letter of resignation from BRC member Stephen Todd. Mr. Todd cited schedule conflicts and increased family obligations as the reason. Mr. Clark asked the members to consider not bringing on a replacement for Mr. Todd due to the limited tasks remaining for the BRC, none of which were assigned to Mr. Todd. He also suggested allowing whichever BOE representative was in attendance at any BRC meeting to cast one vote on behalf of the BOE. For example: if the BOE commission member were absent, the advisor in attendance would be allowed to vote. Mr. O’Connell said he would solicit an opinion from Mr. Traub, the BOE representative. Mr. Clark said he would present the idea to the Mayor.
Other Business:
• Ms. Carbone and Mr. O’Connell suggested that the BRC review having an overall capital expenditure plan in place for the entire City, similar to the Charter requirement to the BOE. Ms. Carbone requested that the topic appear for discussion on the next BRC agenda.
• Mr. John Schnyer, a member of the public and City of Torrington employee, requested that the BRC look into the acquisition of a ten wheel dump truck being requested by the Street Department. Mr. Schnyer stated that in his opinion the truck would have limited use as a plow truck due to its size and the narrow streets in the City. He suggested that its main purpose would be as a vehicle to trailer heavy equipment. He suggested that an older, existing fleet vehicle be modified, (remove the dump body and install a fifth wheel hitch), to properly displace the trailer weight load. This same vehicle could then have the dump body re-installed during plowing season for winter use. This suggestion would also require the acquisition of a trailer with a hitch system other than the pintel hitch currently
in use. Mr. Schnyer suggested that a used trailer could be purchased and the entire transaction –refit and trailer acquisition –would be far less expensive than a ten wheel vehicle with use restrictions. Mr. Clark said this and other matters suggested would be presented to the Mayor for his decision whether to handle the matter with the department head or assign it to the BRC.
• Mr. Schnyer suggested that excavation material removed by the City could be recycled for future use by screening and/or crushing. He stated that the City currently purchases similar material. Mr. Schnyer felt that equipment to screen and/or crush excavation materials would have to be purchased.
• Mr. Schnyer stated that there is too much work being contracted out while City employees are underemployed. He stated that carpentry, roofing and other work could be accomplished by City Street Dpt personnel. Mr. Clark asked if contractual obligations would be violated by doing non-departmental projects with City employees. He stated that the practice had been followed in the past and there was not a union issue.
7) There being no further business the meeting was unanimously approved for adjournment at 6:15 PM on a motion from Mr. O’Connell, seconded by Ms. Purcel.