Torrington Blue Ribbon Commission
Minutes of Meeting
Friday, December 17, 2010
Torrington City Hall, Office of the Mayor
Members Present: Mike Clark, Elinor Carbone, Doug O’Connell, Mayor Bingham, Lorel Purcell, Ed Cook. Also present: Superintendent Leone and Stephen Nocera
- Motion to open the meeting at 7:00 AM, by Mr. Clark seconded by Ms. Carbone.
- Approval of Minutes of Meeting 12.03.10 motioned by Mr. Cook seconded by Mr. O’Connell, and unanimously approved by the commission.
- Mr. Clark provided a handout of the 2011 BRC Meeting Schedule to all commissioners and advisors present; a copy was furnished to the City Clerk Office as required by Connecticut statute.
- Mr. Nocera led a roundtable discussion of the “Blue Ribbon Commission Ideas Sheets” distributed to commissioners via Email prior to the meeting. He tallied the priorities by each commission member for items listed on the sheets. Advisor comments were accepted and incorporated into the overall priority rankings. Mr. Nocera agreed to reorganize and summarize the “BRC Commission Ideas” sheets based on priority assigned by the commission and tasks already assigned and underway, versus those to be assigned. Mr. Nocera agreed to make the updated information available to commissioners, advisors and the public through Email and the City website. Mayor Bingham asked commissioners to review the updated lists and be prepared for specific assignments at the next BRC meeting in January 2011.
- Ms. Purcell agreed to compile a timeline graphic representing tasks, individual or group assignment and schedule of updates of those tasks to the commission, as well as completion dates for each task before the commission.
- Other Business: There was no other business discussed.
- A motion to adjourn was made at 8:05 AM by Mr. O’Connell seconded by Mr. Clark and approved by the commission.
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