Torrington Blue Ribbon Commission
Friday, October 29, 2010
Torrington City Hall, 7 AM Office of the Mayor
Members Present: Mike Clark, Ken Traub, Elinor Carbone, Doug O’Connell, Mayor Bingham, Lorel Purcell, Stephen Todd. Also present: Advisors Stephen Nocera, Chris Leone, and Danielle Batchelder
- A motion to open the meeting at 7AM was made by Mr. Clark, seconded by Mr. Todd.
- The Minutes of the Meeting of 10.15.10 were moved for approval by Mr. Clark, seconded by Mayor Bingham and approved by the majority of the commission members; Mr. O’Connell abstained due to his absence from that meeting.
- Mr. Traub stated that the task group reviewing the move of some BOE offices to the City Hall building had begun reviewing potential expenses to support the move. He stated that the group needed floor plans indicating proposed locations of BOE personnel as researched by Mr. Cook. Mr. Traub stated that a conceptual moving cost was being compiled, but could not be completed without a completed floor plan. Mr. Clark said he would supply the floor plan to each of the task group members and the BOE advisors to the BRC. Ms. Carbone initiated a discussion on the disposition of the BOE Migeon Avenue building. She stated that the City Economic Development Director and P&Z department head had toured the facility with Mr. Bascetta. Their tour was intended to assess the condition of the building and develop possible and
approved uses as well as potential buyers. Mr. Clark suggested that the building be sold at land value to a buyer able to provide proof of financial ability to renovate the property for an accepted use.
- Ms. Purcell stated that analysis of establishing a permitting office had concluded that the initial plan under consideration did not provide adequate file storage space and that additional research was necessary before reaching a recommendation.
- Mr. Clark presented a review of the automobile fleet assigned for City Hall use. The annualized mileage of the 13 vehicles assigned to City Hall totaled approximately 15,000 miles. Fuel, maintenance and insurance for those vehicles totaled $18,200.00 yielding a cost per mile of $1.20 per mile exclusive of vehicle acquisition cost. He suggested that the fleet be reduced by 3 vehicles, and that two vehicles be assigned as “loaner” vehicles scheduled through the City Fleet manager. As an alternative, it was suggested that the City reimburse personal car use by staff, utilizing Federal General Services Administration guidelines. The City would continue to provide light trucks as required. If the suggestions presented were not acceptable to the commission, he suggested that a vehicle replacement
program relying on leasing hybrid vehicles for a three year period. He cited the Toyota Prius lease program of $199/month, 12,000 miles per year, 100,000 mile warranty. That would eliminate all maintenance costs other than routine oil change service, and provide 51 MPG in city driving. Mr. Clark will provide a formal recommendation to the Mayor at the next meeting.
- There being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 8:20 on motion by Mayor Bingham, seconded by Ms. Carbone and approved by the commission members.
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