Torrington Blue Ribbon Commission
Minutes of Meeting
Friday, September 3, 2010
Torrington City Hall, 7 AM Office of the Mayor
Members Present: Ed Cook, Mike Clark, Ken Traub, Elinor Carbone, Doug O’Connell, Danielle Batchelder, Lorel Purcell, Stephen Todd. Also present: Stephen Nocera, Chris Leone.
1. The meeting was opened at 7 AM on a motion by Mr. Todd, seconded by Mr. Cook.
2. Minutes of the meeting of 8.19.10 were not available and will be approved at the next BRC meeting.
3. Mr. Nocera stated that he had met with the City Personnel Director and Corporation Counsel to fully define the terms for executive session qualification. He stated that only information pertaining to a particular individual and his or her salary or performance would be allowed to be conducted in executive session. He further stated that matters of contract negotiations would also be eligible for executive session.
4. Mr. Nocera assigned specific tasks and the report-back due date to individual commission members.
5. An updated City personnel schematic and personnel chart was provided to each commission member.
6. Mr. Clark discussed the time line for commission results. The requirement is January 1st for the first round of recommendations to the Mayor.
7. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:55 AM, on a motion by Ms. Purcell, seconded by Mr. Cook.
Minutes prepared and submitted by Michael Clark, CO Chairman, BRC.