Torrington Blue Ribbon Commission
Friday, November 12, 2010
Torrington City Hall, 7 AM Office of the Mayor
1. Motion to open the meeting.
2. Approval of Minutes of Meeting 10.15.10
3. Definition of BOE lines of communication within the BRC and with the press. – Mr. Traub.
4. Results of BRC/BOE review of proposed floor plan for relocated personnel – Mr. Traub, Ms Carbone, BOE advisors, Mr. Cook.
5. Person/persons responsible for planning the move and the cost projection relating to the move including:
• Completion of procedures/instructions to accomplish the move, example: coordination of moving required at TCH to accommodate BOE personnel; responsibility for packing of files, tagging of furniture, unpacking cartons, clean up of Migeon Avenue facility.
• Creation of Move RFP
• IT requirements at TCH, additional phone and FAX line locations and quantities at TCH with data closet impact.
• Acquisition of new office furniture and/or disposition of pieces not included in the move.
• Number of parking spaces required
• Etc.
Estimated date for completion of move procedure. - Mr. Traub
6. Status of conceptual recommendations previously made: Mayor Bingham
• Registrar
• Motor Pool
• “One Stop Permitting Office” – option to vote to table for further discussion.
7. BRC review of City employee cost savings suggestions – Mayor Bingham.
Cost savings suggestions from BRC members.
8. Other Business:
9. Motion to Adjourn