POCD - plan of compensation document
Meeting ACT Arts and Culture Commission of Torrington minutes meeting presided over by Sharon Waagner in the absence of Chairperson Jessica Hodorski.
Date: November 19, 2014 City Hall, Room 224.
Commissioners in Attendance: Fiona Demerell, Ed Cannata, Jacque Williams, Sharon Waagner, Ad Hoc member Erin Wilson. Enough numbers for quorum.
Motion to open meeting by Fiona Demerell, seconded by Jacque Williams.
Meeting opened by Sharon Waagner at 10:03 a.m.
Acceptance of minutes by Fiona Demerell, seconded by Ed Cannata.
Ed - update on holiday ornaments.
Sharon - update on Small Business Saturday.
Fiona - update on UConn activities, performance showcase with Jessica.
Ed inquired about how much help will be needed by the commissioners.
Concerns brought up by Erin Wilson in regards to city involvement, liabilities and fiduciary responsibilities.
Erin places request for "Preservation for Placement" grant for wave signs for parking lot included is branding efforts for the city Elinor and Kim Fazzino join meeting with Penny Zucco, purchasing department.
Bill Haygood joins meeting.
MSMP Discussion
Creating subcommittee, also process for recusal from vote on REFI. Selection committees will be selected to choose who will be awarded the REFI.
Penny Zucco suggested that the selection process be presented on the website. Bid process will remain open for another 2 weeks.
December 3rd (Executive session) selection committee will be chosen from the commissioners.
Selection committee will meet. Special meeting will be held for questions and development of matrix December 17th regular ACT meeting open.
Invitation extended until December 10th.
Arts Steering Committee for discussion on December 17.
Support from commissions for ACT steering committee.
Discussion in regards to term limits to be placed on agenda for December 17th meeting.
Kim Fazzino motioned to adjourn meeting. Seconded by Bill Haygood
Meeting adjourned at 11:39 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jacque Williams