July 30, 2014
Mayor’s Office
Present: William Haygood, Kim Fazzino, Jessica Hodorski, Fiona De Merell, Elinor Carbone, Ed Cannata, Erin Wilson, Janna Riccio, Joanna Craig and Sharon Waagner.
The meeting was called to order at 10:06 a.m. on a motion by Kim Fazzino, seconded by Ed Cannata. On a motion by Kim Fazzino, seconded by Bill Haygood, the meeting was open to the public. Minutes of the previous meeting had been read and were approved on a motion by Kim Fazzino, seconded by Kim Ed Cannata.
Due to the absence of event chairperson Jacque Williams, discussion of the proposed Fall Music Festival was tabled. Sharon Waagner reported, however, that Main Street Torrington will be working with merchants on the Downtown Fall Festival on September 27. This will feature sidewalk sales, entertainment, and special offers at local restaurants. The event will coincide with the annual yarn crawl featuring yarn shops throughout the region. Bill Haygood and Ed Cannata reported they had visited with Amy Wynn, Executive Director of the NWCT Arts Council and discussed collaboration on future events. Chair Hodorski explained that ACT had originally been formed to focus on improving economic growth in the downtown area while the Arts Council was primarily regional in focus. At this point in time, it makes sense to partner with them. At Bill Haygood’s suggestion, Amy Wynn will be invited to the August meeting.
Under new business, Chair Hodorski requested that we brainstorm for new initiatives. A number of ideas were discussed including a Music Festival, suggested by Joanna Craig, owner of Guitar Workshop and liaison to several local bands. Ed Cannata asked if we would continue with the Cat’s Meow Christmas ornaments. It was decided that this year’s onaments will feature the Nutmeg Conservatory, celebrating their 45th anniversary, and UCONN Torrington, celebrating their 50th anniversary. Ed will begin working on the project. There was discussion of Light Up Main which was introduced by former mayor Ryan Bingham. Chair Hodorski will contact the mayor to see what she would like to plan for 2014 and if we would continue to move forward with the same
format. Kim Fazzino added that we should find out if she also has ideas for the Christmas season.
Chair Hodorski suggested we consider a Performers Showcase open house. We would invite a wide variety of performers from groups, solo performers, those who represent historical characters, and more and invite businesses, schools, libraries, and others to attend, giving them an opportunity to meet the performers. It was suggested that we tie in with UCONN and Fiona offered the idea of scheduling it on a Friday when there are no classes. The cafeteria might stay open to provide lunches, coffee, etc. This is also a great opportunity to bring attention to the local campus. A motion was made by Chair Hodorski and seconded by Bill Haygood to proceed with Hodorski and Fiona DeMerell as coordinators. All approved. The event would be tentatively scheduled
for April 2015. Admission and table fees would cover costs with the possibility for any leftover funds being donated to UCONN to help with improved directional signage.
Erin Wilson reinforced the idea to support UCONN. Discussion also included connecting with Parks and Recreation and the director as well as Evan Dobos will be invited to our next meeting as we develop our process of collaboration and develop ways to promote the Its Happening Here site. That meeting will be an informal open house to share ideas with other stakeholders.
Erin Wilson reported that the Torrington Economic Development Commission is in a “building year” as they define their roles as commissioners. EDC is planning a workshop for all stakeholders to help define our identity as a city.
Chair Hodorski pointed out that the November and December meetings will fall on the day before Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve. It was agreed that the meetings will be changed to Wednesday, November 19 and Wednesday, December 17.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:06 on a motion by Bill Haygood, seconded by Kim Fazzino.
Respectfully submitted,
Sharon Waagner, Secretary.
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