ARTS CULTURE TORRINGTON – The Arts and Culture Commission of Torrington
Minutes – February 26, 2014 – 10 a.m. – Council Chambers
The meeting was called to order by Lynn Gelormino.
Present: William Haygood, Ed Cannata, Fiona de Merell, Lynn Gelormino, Kimberly Fazzino, Mike McAllister, Elinor Carbone, Erin Wilson, Rob Persechino, Jacque Williams, and Sharon Waagner
The meeting was called to order by Lynn Gelormino at 10 a.m.
As there was no meeting in January, there were no minutes to read and approve.
The meeting was open to the public. A welcome was extended to Mayor Carbone who introduced Erin Wilson, the new Economic Development Director for the City of Torrington.
Sharon Waagner presented a report on the activity of the downtown businesses and shared the list of special events that a number of businesses have planned to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. She will be continuing to work more closely with the businesses to develop the downtown focus.
The primary focus for discussion was the 2014 Main Street Market Place. Because of continuing sidewalk construction and concerns of some shop owners, the decision has been made to move the Market Place north by two blocks, starting in front of City Hall. Lynn Gelormino reported on the MSMP committee meeting and why the decisions were made. Lynn said that the event would remain similar to those in the past with entertainment in front of City Hall, the food vendors, and a slightly reduced number of vendors. Mason and Church Street would be used for traffic egresses. There was discussion about reaching out to Parks and Recreation to see if they would like to introduce their annual Idol competition as part of the entertainment. Mayor Carbone said she and
Erin would follow up with P & R. Lynn explained the importance of identifying adequate volunteers, making decisions about obtaining and locating generators for power for vendors, and contacting Abeling Moving about overseeing installation and take down of vendor tents.
Rob Persechino, owner of Bogey’s Restaurant located at the Yankee Pedlar Inn expressed his concern about loss of business. With the street now open, he would be unable to open his sidewalk dining during MSMP, a night which brings him considerable income. He had a concern that food vendors were from out of town and took business from local establishments. He was also concerned by the potential loss of business to local shops if the market place was moved. It was explained that most of the food vendors are Torrington-based. Sharon Waagner invited Rob to join the businesses at a meeting being held the following week so that local business owners can discuss their concerns and work together to find some solutions. Mayor Carbone shared that past history
of sidewalks sales is still in the minds of many and this might be something to explore. We also discussed the possibility of closing Maiden Lane from the entrance to the rear of the Pedlar Inn to Main Street with the area available for Bogey’s and sidewalk dining. Mayor Carbone will follow up with the state to find out expected work dates for the sidewalk construction. We will also work with the businesses to identify their concerns and possible solutions. She suggested we break into sub-groups to focus on specific concerns and details. Those present agreed with the categories as follows: Entertainment – Mike McAllister; Parks & Recreation involvement – Erin Wilson and Mayor Carbone; Vendors – Kimberly Fazzino; Volunteers – Jacque Williams; Sponsorships – Ed Cannata and
Jacque Williams; Businesses – Sharon Waagner and Rob Persechino.
MSMP will is tentatively scheduled for July 10 through August 21 – seven weeks. Kim will follow up with vendors to see if there is an interest to extend another week. Lynn emphasized that we continue to work with churches and the school to keep them aware of what is happening giving them an opportunity to participate and share ideas and concerns.
Other business:
Fiona reported on the opportunities for continued partnerships with the City of Torrington and UCONN. UCONN will celebrate their 50th anniversary on the Torrington campus in 2015. They would like to share the celebration with the city. Ideas are being formulated at this point and a committee is being formed which will include representatives from the city, UCONN, and the public.
Kim reported on activities taking place at the Nutmeg Conservatory including preparation of the annual IMPACT program scheduled for March 22 and 23.
Jacque reported that plans are underway for a fall concert in a partnership with ACT and the SSNT.
Lynn reported on upcoming events at the Warner including the show Love, Sex and the IRS at the Nancy Marine Studio Theatre and the return of the Friday Night Jazz series.
Sharon is continuing to develop the business connections in downtown.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:20 with a motion by Fiona, seconded by Mike.
Respectfully submitted,
Sharon Waagner