ACT Commission Meeting Notes-September 25, 2013
Present: Commissioners E. Canata, L. Gelormino, F. deMerell, K. Fazzino, R.Ponte, J. Williams, Sharon Waagner, and Secretary N. Yurgeles
Absent: Commissioners M.McAllistair, W.Haygood
Public visitors-Tina Sessa, J. Roberts
I. Call to Order: 10:10AM
Motion to open-Commissioner Fazzino
Motion seconded- Commissioner Waagner
Mr. Roberts introduced from Iconography and round table introduction of commissioners presented at this time.
II. Open Public Meeting-
Motioned by-Commissioner Waagner
Motioned seconded- Commissioner Fazzino
III. Acceptance of previous minutes-
Motioned to accept- Commissioner Waagner
Motioned seconded-Vice President Williams
IV.MSMP Wrap-Up:
The commissioners reviewed rights & wrongs of MSMP-recommendations will be proposed at November meeting with respect to the new city administration and reactions to these proposals for 2014.
IV. Torrington Dough-was Thursday, September 19, 2013 at Ceisco Catering on South Main Street.
A tie between Kid’s Play and Callista’s Jewelry ($300/each awarded). Continued plans on 3rd Friday of the month with Ceisco Catering announced and commissioners asked to please spread the word for ideals and participants for this activity.
V. ACP Grant –report on grants/loans
The activity involved with these wide and far reaching grants is winding down in anticipation for the Dec. 31st, 2013 deadline. These activities include: 1. “It’s Happening Here” website which is finished including various blogs (300-500 words), E-mail Blasts included of at least 450 people, traffic reports given weekly , and regular submissions are ongoing. Commissioners spoke of a community promotion being prepared to be broadcasted from WAPJ. “It’s Happening Here” plans to continue (past grant ending) by selling sites to web designers for $1.00 as [former] Mayor Bingham proposed and the City of Torrington with addition of premier listings for $500./yr. These websites would consist as ongoing websites and marketing of businesses.
2. Gateway Signs were reported to be finished by year’s end specifying the arts and culture district and banners displayed at various entries of Torrington by landscape architect as DOT approves them.
3. Walking Tour will be partnered by Torrington Historical Society and advertised for tourists. This tour will be administered via SMART Phones.
4. All grants given to venturing artists which include: A. Rent subsides to landlords (8 new leases), B. Loan to Downtown Partners.
5. Ending contract with Steven Warshaw for his planning of events including the creation of “It’s Happening Here” website, Torrington Dough and Palette to Pallet (postponed until spring’14).
VI. New Business-
1. Follow up about Torrington Buzz as Independent Community News appears interested in this magazine venture after internship of one year though financial intervention has yet to be discussed. General conversation ensued about integrating two calendars which are already in existence for this publication in terms of regional recognition and to have high school students’ involvement.
2. Cat’s Meow- Christmas ornaments representing historical buildings under consideration to sell financed (pre sale) by MSMP funds or ACP Grant was topic of informal talk. The sale price is suggested as $10/ornament.
3. Christmas Bazaar-proposed by a commissioner was of discourse modeled from former Torrington business owner, Julia Sloan of Brazen Betty’s.
4. Agenda for 2014- as spoken by one commissioner how important to have more initiatives to keep momentum going…
4. Lyrics & Songwriters-is working in conjunction with musicians to record and have possible videos in venues such as The Nancy Marine Studio but conversations about these prospects including financial concerns and liability issues which might entail having a business plan, analysis, and roster appropriate to clarify financial aspects with the musical aspirations. This was given much consideration from the commission to insure attracting people from outside of Torrington in order to get attention along with complimentary facilities as well.
5. Mr. Richard van Horne’s One Man Show-displaying this Artwell member’s work at the CD Gallery under guidance of Artwell Gallery, Inc. Also reported was relocation of Artwell’s large, ever expanding education base to The Morrison Building-2nd Floor, including the concept of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) within a formal series of programs designed for adults and children alike.
VII. Adjournment- 11:15AM
Motioned by Commissioner Waager
Motioned Seconded- Vice President Williams
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Yurgeles
Secretary of ACT Commission