ACT Meeting Minutes, July 31, 2013-N. Yurgeles
Present: Jacque Williams, Bill Haygood, Kim Fazzino, Lynn Gelormino, Rose Ponte, Ed Cantata, Fiona de Merell, Nancy Yurgeles.
Absent: Sharon Waagoner (family illness). Michael McAlistair
Public Attending: Timothy Quirk, Tim Waldron, Johanna Craig (new intern), Dominic Carozza, Newspaper representative, Judy McElhone
Call to Order:
Commissioner and Vice President Williams motioned and Commissioner Haygood seconded this motion.
New secretary appointed- first motioned by President Lynn Gelormino in conjunction with Rose Ponte and seconded by Ed Canata-vote unanimous. Commissioner Yurgeles will take secretary duties for ACT Commission.
Acceptance of Previous Minutes:
None available at this date- no motions/no vote
Main Street Market Place, Thursday-August 1, 2013:
Weather watch-heavy rains, T-Storms & high winds expected (from TV-Rose Ponte spoke of although various differing reports have been in media).
Please seek out radio stations, website ( by Ed) and ( done so by Kim) by 1:00pm for update on cancellation.~ Featured this week is Skip Barber (with two fabulous cars). Friendly Hands (the non profit for the week), Nick Longo & Boogie Boys.~ Report from Commissioner Kim Fazzino is that vendors are all full except for one lady with a broken foot. Visual arts are progressing with the possible return of painter, Janet Iffland, art sale at Artwell Gallery this week, and children's activities and fun scheduled for the following Market Place.
Torrington Dough:
Happening again in August.~ Grand Opening of Dominos Pizza cancelled for venue, owner too overwhelmed (but to consider in future).~ Other dining experience Rose will find...Rose Ponte says that she is meeting with Steve Warshaw to discuss this matter among others today.
"CAFTA MSMP design seen by everyone?" asked President Gelormino. Hopefully the actual banners will be up this Thursday or definitely by the following week market place.
Event named Palate to Palette (initiative of Steve Warshaw) for..." bringing economic development through collaboration in terms of Vice President Williams' music with Steve's event,” stated Rose (she looks at it this way is what she mentioned).~ V.P. Williams was thinking of this as a collaboration and while Rose does as well, Rose thinks that ACT should let Steve handle & market this event( a collaboration that has different sides as time is an issue, and this way separate groups could join in. " ACT can't do it all!" speaks Rose.~ President Gelorimo comments ACT works by initiatives but never owns them permanently.~ Talk to various organizations such as Five Points Gallery, Artwell Gallery and The Singer Songwriters/Music Arts Festival... Date is set for October 5th
and no rain date is available at this time. Rose checking with Parks & Recreation Department about this. Ed C. questioned if this is a one year deal or would be year to year.~ Rose thought out loud,” Look what happened to Art Space!"(Now renamed Five Points Gallery).~ Judy McElhone then asked what "Palette to Palette" was.~ Rose explained it is an eating (food) & artwork show at Coe Park on Oct. 5th with tents from MSMP and possibly including the harvest drums. A great fall event! If Create It Now (Margaret Bodell), Five Points Gallery, Artwell & Arts Desire can promote/collaborate for this, what a great plan.~ V.P. Williams had mentioned re-naming this- not necessary now he thinks as the whole process got away form him. But he is of the opinion that Parks & Rec. will sponsor, provide music (they have agreed to pay), and he'd like to have brought in A Place At the Table as speakers/visual additions to this plan.~ Getting more
people involved (~350 or so) would be an important aspect to bringing the issue of feeding the hungry into people's consciousness. Vendors and space are an issue (both inside and outside) and Rose has had contact by e-mail of an interested person on this behalf. The overall consensus about this event and A Place At the Table seems to be that since this is just a food & art event-V.P. Williams is not out of line for offering a suggestion but roles should be determined, "it's take the leg of it"(quoted from Rose) type affair with organization and logistics also included. A coupon book of merchants downtown was discussed (through discussions between Steve and Michael Yurgeles, Artwell) for the sake of more civil engagement-Steve W. would oversee this. Since this is an entertainment event Rose thought A Place At the Table isn't serviced by it as does President Gelormino(with due respect to those organizations, of course). However, Fiona de Merell said she
sees both sides of the issues in recognition & consideration of the less fortunate. Would this open the event to other "special" groups Mr. Waldron asked the commission.~ The problems of outside/inside venues and spaces paid for use in capital expenditures are two issues associated with charity organizations. Rose is looking over a map of Coe Park to observe spaces for the tents and whatever is involved- and talking with Steve Warshaw inviting a meeting soon with interested entities.
New Business:
"Games On" show at Artwell this Saturday Commissioner Yurgeles announced, and not to compete or conflict with Five Points Gala Reception. There was an unavoidable delay in Artwell Gallery's exhibition schedule. Show For A Show 3 (August 24th-Sept. 29th) postcards were given to attending persons and the exhibition was talked through a bit concerning current planning and organization happening before August 24th receptions for this huge exhibition in Torrington. The radio station may feature an interview with Rose Ponte and Michael Yurgeles (CEO/Director) of Artwell Gallery sometime to be scheduled from 8:20-8:30am depending on availability to do so. Rose is to e-mail for appointment with both Nancy and Michael Yurgeles of Artwell (probably Michael) and V.P.
Williams, also, concerning his infinite causes.
Warner Theater- Adriana Trigini (author of acclaim) is coming for lecture & book signing President Gelormino reported. Tickets include a signed book & meeting this very fine and funny person.~ "Shrek is this week!" President Gelormino excitedly mentioned as well.
The Litchfield County Writers Project ( fall 2013)- Ms. de Merell~states this networking of authors to the public is fantastic.~ In the following weeks (Oct. 25th) a writer named Ann Leary is coming and Roxana Robinson of "Sparta" (author writing about PTSD among other things), will present Nov. 1st.All are free & open to the public.
ACP Grants-Downtown Partners received revolving loan/grant to enlarge Five Points Gallery space. Wonderful event to dedicate space will be on Saturday. Ann Tempkin (sculptural artist, working at MOMA) will be featured guest & lecturer for that evening. Reception time is 6-7 and artist's talk at 7:00pm. Huge responses from far & around Torrington for this. Judy McElhone is very pleased and impressed with how well the new space is going & excited.~ This is Downtown Revitalization at its finest-serves as a "sense of place," says Rose.~ Interview with Five Points Gallery was presented in Arts Scope article written by Kristen Nord.~ Other grants for the ACP include The Warner Theater, Artwell, Five Points Gallery, Create It Now Here, and The Torrington Historic Society for various
most worthy ideas.~ There are only two remaining grants and six applications in to review before Dec. 31, 2013 deadline. State of CT is incredibly pleased with this venture.
Four Last Things:
Commissioner Bill Haygood and Ed. Cananta have produced the MSMP poster framed. This photograph is of Main Street, Torrington ca. 1939.~ It is priced at $40/each---no mark up with unframed poster at $10. The second poster designed by14 yr. old artist student from CAFTA will most likely be done soon-priced same, all framed by Laura Stolfi at cost.~ Ed had to fine tune some artistic issues but both have commissioners' praises...Will promoting the posters be at the Market Place as well as possibly other venues Mr. Canata asked.~ Commissioner Haygood certainly wishes this but some people thought the price point might be prohibitive to some if unframed poster are not available(several people mentioned these could be sold in sleeves to keep nicely). There are places to sell (like
Palette to Palette) that might support ACT Commission budget for this venture. Rose thanked Bill, Ed and CAFTA for their superior work & collaboration! Putting posters online with background story would certainly support this cause (Commissioner Fazzino pointed out). Mr. Quirk suggested that the poster be numbered & also put in auspicious local spaces to promote them. Rose knows of several places she's seen former posters displayed with pride.
A young girl admitted to picking up the last Main Street Market Place trash left behind. This gave Rose a feeling that was mentioned by Ms. De Merell of a "sense of spirit" being established in Torrington due largely to the work of this commission and others who recognize it...
Commissioner Williams announced his TV station is up and running and will feature video cuts of Five Points Gallery grant press conference as well as other notable situations around Torrington.
Meeting motioned for adjournment by V.P. Williams and Commissioner Fazzino seconded it at 11:24am.~ V.P. Williams unofficially announced his wish to seek the mayor's office in 2014.
Respectively submitted,
Nancy Yurgeles, ACT Commission & Secretary