April 24, 2012, 10am-11am, City Hall Auditorium
Commissioners/ Members Present: Sally Bergad, Gail Kruppa, Jessica Hodorski, Jacque Williams, Diane Consolini, Sharon Waagner, Rose Ponte, Kim Fazzino, Lynn Gelormino, Bill Haygood, Tom Bott, Diane Bolduc
Visitors Attending: Eric from Iconography, Judy Artspace consultant
I. Call to Order:
Motion: Lynn Gelormino
Second: Sharon Waagner
II. Introduction/Welcome of any Visitors
III. Acceptance of Previous Meeting Minutes: Accepted
IV. Sub Committee Reports:
i. Singer Songwriter Network – Jacque Williams: SSN upcoming events at the Torrington Historical Society starting the end of June 2012.
ii. Main Street Marketplace – MSMP is coming up soon for 10 weeks this year
ten weeks this year., June 28th –Aug 30th. Press Release hit already, much .
interest, need volunteers. Meeting at Torrington Library 4/27 830am. Looking
for different arts organizations every week to participate. Adding street in front
of City Hall. Bid for tent setup coming in this week per Rose Ponte.
Temporary Children’s Museum up and running during MSMP on Thursday
night only.
V. NW CT Int’l Food Expo – Steve and Jessica on committee. Event looking to be held in Sept or Oct 2012 (Friday night). Looking for a variety of food vendors and cultures to participate. Work in progress.
VI. Artspace- Jacque working on marketing stragety, reference email print out. Call put out to artists, sent April 15th with a May 10th deadline. Discussed possible Artspace Walk …Water St?
VII. Open Floor –Local/Live radio show with Jacque WAPJ radio
Kim Fazzino having Open House May 5th 5pm-11pm Fazzino Photography at her E Main St studio.
Bill Haygood has new MSMP poster in the works.
Sharon Waagner advised “Left Brain Games” moved in over former Pawn Shop location. Two apartments in renovation more in the works.
VIII. Upcoming Meetings
ACT meeting – May 30 City Hall Auditorium 10 am
Motion to Close Meeting
Motion: Bill Haygood
Second: Sally Bergad