February 29, 2012, 10am-11am, City Hall Auditorium
Commissioners Present: Steve Criss, Sally Bergad, Gail Kruppa, Jessica Hodorski, Jacque Williams, Diane Consolini
Members Present: Jerry Davidson, Mike McAllister, Sharon Waagner, Michael Yurgalis, Rose Ponte, Kim Fazzino
I. Call to Order:
Motion: Sharon Waagner
Second: Sally Bergad
II. Introduction/Welcome of any Visitors
III. Acceptance of Previous Meeting Minutes: Accepted
IV. Sub Committee Reports:
- Singer Songwriter Network – Jacque Williams: SSN upcoming events at the Torrington Historical Society (Ladies/Lyrics) June 20, 5-8pm, July 30, 7-10pm and Aug 25, 6-9pm. Still working on completion of theme song fro Torrington. Showcasing performers at Backstage on Thursday nights 8-11pm.
ii. Main Street Marketplace – Steve Criss: MSMP is rolling along working on
ten weeks this year. There will be no constrution on Main St. until Sept 2012.
Looking to expand Water St up to Church St. City Hall area will have the
Farmer’s Market, yoga demos, and showcase area for exhibits, etc. The
Maiden Lane to City Hall area looking to host higher end vendors. Bogie’s
will continue with their outdoor dining. Rest of Main St will be food vendors
combined with other vendors.
Discussion had concerning fire performers location with Henry and Suzanne
from Ravenbane’s Firecraft .
V. NW CT Int’l Food Expo – need to form a committee. Looking to hold event last week in Sept 2012 (Friday night).
- Meeting Recap Arts in Torrington- a recap of meeting held at Backstage concerning reviewing the study of Arts in Torrington. A Marketing Initiative Campaign needed. Focus on annual events, public art, etc.
- Open Floor –St Patrick’s Day Event Sat March 17th work in progress, meetings being held at Pedlar rallying up all local merchants to participate.
Titanic night at Torrington Library Oct 2012, Friday night Oct 26th will be a free event for the public, more info to follow.
Nutmeg Ballet’s IMPACT 2012 performance at Warner’s Studio Theatre
Fri March 30th and Sat March 31st 8pm performances tickets on sale now at Warner Theatre Box Office.
Jacques radio show on WAPJ Tues-Thurs 10am-noon Thursday special
show “Local & Live” w/Jacque. Doo Wop and R/B show still at T-Place
Fridays 6-8pm.
Artwell Annual Photo Expo Atrium Gallery Sat 6pm-8pm. Discussed other events will be coming up April 2012 thru June 2012.
VIII. Upcoming Meetings
ACT meeting – March 28th City Hall Auditorium 10 am
Motion to Close Meeting
Motion: Jessica Hodorski
Second: Sharon Waagner