December 28, 2011| 10:00am – 11am | City Hall Auditorium
Commissioners: Sally Bergad, Steve Criss, Lynn Gelormino, Jessica Hodorski, Gail Kruppa, Sharon Waagner, Jacque Williams
Members: Diane Bolduc; Rose Ponte, Michael Yurgalis
I. Call To Order: 10:02
Motion: Jessica Hodorski
Second: Sally Bergad
II. Introduction/Welcome to any visitors
III. Acceptance of previous Meeting Minutes: Accepted
Motion: Sally Bergad
Accepted: Sharon Waagner
IV. Sub Committee Reports:
Singer/Songwriter Network – Jacques (See Attachment)
VI. Open Floor
2012 Projects- Brainstorming Secession:
Main Street Marketplace: Definitely in place for next year and the committee will start meeting in January. DOT may begin work May or June on Main Street sidewalks, so we’ll have to reconsider where we can host the event. We are considering moving the event to past City Hall Ave up to Pearl Street.
Arts Resource Report: Please read through the report, available on the Mayor’s webpage) and we’ll discuss implementing their proposed ideas in 2012/2013
Pawcatuck, RI: Recently, Marty Connor attended a conference that talked about Pawcatuck, RI and their creative arts district. The town created an Art District for the special financial considerations. 12 commercial buildings have been purchased and they also have created housing and residential projects and condos. Pawcatuck Armory was sold to an artist co-op for $1.00 and have created the Foundry Artists Show. The Hope Artists Village is also popular and is an old industrial mill filled with 75 small business and artists, employing 250 people. Stone Soup Coffee House is in that town and brings in small bands and artists; 12th years: Pawcatuck Arts Festival—promote the arts district. Low lease rates draw in people; done by word of mouth.
Possible Events:Winter Wonderland theme-Ice Sculptor and Chili Cook-offs and fun winter activities; John Brown Day (May 9th) or a historical reenactment and celebrate our history; Ethnic Food Festival: Early October or last weekend of September; partner with the new Cultural Commission; pop Art music fest with CAFTA and SSN: a cultural event for the Woodstock era
Other Topics:www.discovertorrington.com is still up and running and Theresa would like to help with the maintenance of the site. The Warner’s new ticketing portal for a unified online ticketing service launches in February.
VII. Upcoming ACT Meetings
Official ACT Meeting – January 25th at 10am – City Hall Auditorium
VIII. Call to Close: 11:25am
Motion:Jessica Hodorski
Second: Sally Bergad