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Minutes 02/21/2017
February 21, 2017

A REGULAR MEETING of the Board of Finance was held in the City Hall Auditorium on Tuesday, February 21, 2017.

Present were Mayor Elinor Carbone and Board of Finance members Laurene Pesce, Mark Bushka, Christopher Anderson and Frank Rubino.  Members JoAnn Fenty and Joshua Ferreira were absent.  Comptroller Alice Proulx was also present.

Mayor Carbone called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.

On a motion by Mr. Anderson, seconded by Mr. Rubino, the Board voted unanimously to accept the minutes of the Regular Meeting held on January 17, 2016.

On a motion by Mrs. Pesce, seconded by Mr. Bushka, the Board voted unanimously to open the meeting to the public.  There was no one present who wished to speak.

Mayor Carbone explained that prior tax collector contracts contained a provision prohibiting the Tax Collector from selling tax liens without Board approval, as selling all the liens would have an impact on tax service.  She said this provision is not included in the current contract, but the Tax Collector preferred to notify the Board of the upcoming sale of one tax lien for the property located at 295 E. Main Street, in the interest of transparency.

The Board reviewed the CT Conference of Municipalities’ (CCM) summary of the Governor’s proposed fiscal year state budget and a spreadsheet showing the practical application of the numbers for the City.  Mayor Carbone noted the changes included in the Governor’s proposal, such as defunding the Excess Cost Share Grant, adding a requirement to fund teacher’s retirement, changes to the Minimum Budget Requirement (MBR) and the drop in the motor vehicle mill rate cap.  She expressed regret about having to start the budget conversation while knowing it will be very different at the end of the process, and acknowledged that this Board recognizes the importance of getting budget information early and often.

On a motion by Mr. Rubino, seconded by Mr. Anderson, the Board voted unanimously to accept the Board of Education financial report as presented.  Mr. Rubino expressed concern about the spending ratios, saying he would like to receive a quick synopsis on how it is going.  He also asked if the Board of Finance will receive information from the school-closure ad hoc committee.  Mayor Carbone said she did not think a decision has been made, and agreed that the Board of Education should closely monitor their spending since there will be no funds to bail them out this year.  Mayor Carbone said it is a great idea to have the Superintendent of Schools attend a Board of Finance meeting and added that Ms. Clemmons has a real, good grasp on the challenges we face as a municipality, having faced the same challenges in a prior district.
BUSINESS: Mayor and Members
On a motion by Mr. Anderson, seconded by Mr. Rubino, the Board voted unanimously to consider business presented by the Mayor and members of the Board of Finance.

Mrs. Pesce asked how Public Works budget is progressing and Ms. Proulx replied that she did not remember any glaring overruns.
On a motion by Mr. Anderson, seconded by Mr. Bushka, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn at 5:32 p.m.

                 CITY CLERK

Carol L. Anderson, MCTC, CMC
Asst. City Clerk