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Minutes 08/17/2010 Approved
AUGUST 17, 2010                                                                                                             

A REGULAR  MEETING of the Board of Finance was held in the City Hall Auditorium on Tuesday,  August 17, 2010.

Present were Mayor Ryan Bingham, Corporation Counsel Ernestine Yuille Weaver, Board of Finance members Daniel Farley, Laurene Pesce, Mark Bushka, Thomas Scoville, Brian Paganini and Wendy Traub,  Fleet Manager Emil Castro, Parks Superintendent Brett Simmons, Purchasing Agent Pennie Zucco, City Clerk Joseph Quartiero,  and Comptroller Alice Proulx.
Mayor Bingham called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.

On a motion by Mr. Farley, seconded by Mrs. Pesce, the Board voted unanimously to accept the minutes of the special meeting held jointly with the Board of Education on May 4, 2010. Mr. Paganini abstained.

On a motion by Mr. Scoville, seconded by Mrs. Pesce, the Board voted unanimously to accept the minutes of the regular meeting held on June 15, 2010. Mr. Paganini and Mr. Bushka abstained.

On a motion by Mrs. Pesce, seconded by Mr. Farley, the Board voted unanimously to accept the minutes of the special meeting held jointly with City Council and WPC Authority and the Board of Education on July 19, 2010. Mr. Paganini, Mr. Scoville and Mr. Bushka abstained.
On a motion by Mr. Scoville, seconded by Mrs. Traub, the Board voted unanimously to open the meeting to the public. There was no one who wished to speak.

On a motion by Mr. Farley, seconded by Mr. Bushka, the Board voted unanimously to authorize the budget transfers for FY 09/10 stated in the City Comptroller’s Memo of 8/10/2010.
Mrs. Proulx said she has not yet calculated what is left in contingency, but expects no further transfers. She said the hydrant rental agreement was changed due to additional lines and that the state-mandated fee transfer was necessary because Planning & Zoning had no additional resources to cover that overdraft, but there’s also a revenue offset for it so the fund balance won’t be reduced even though contingency is. Ms. Proulx explained the contingency salt expense was previously approved, and this transfer is to illustrate the actual line item. The Equipment Maintenance chargeback, she said, is an estimated figure, with last year being the first full year. Because the accounting was so difficult, she said she established an internal service fund which is easier to maintain and identify the revenues coming in from both outside sources and equipment maintenance internal charges.  Ms. Proulx said the transfer from contingency to telephone is to cover non-anticipated additional costs associated with the City Hall move.
Mrs. Traub asked why the Fire Dept.’s transfer to Acting Officers was so much, to which Ms. Proulx replied that they had a problem with staffing levels. Mrs. Traub suggested an eye be kept on this as the budgetary issue may have to be addressed in comparison to what is actually happening.  Mrs. Traub asked what the fund balance is at this point. Ms. Proulx said she is anticipating that it will remain at one million that we did not expend, to be appropriated into the following years.  Mrs. Traub asked why all copiers can’t be on one contract, since there are overages every year. Ms. Proulx said she thought they were lower than in the past, and the per-copy fees, which include maintenance and supplies, can only be estimated.
Mrs. Pesce asked about the additions and deletions for the Tax Collector, and Ms. Proulx explained this is unanticipated activity that occurs after the mill rate has been set.

BUDGET TRANSFER –Board of Education
On a motion by Mrs. Traub, seconded by Mrs. Pesce, the Board voted unanimously to authorize the transfer of $34,120 in unanticipated grant reimbursement for Torrington Public Schools Capital Project from the State of CT to the insurance deficit for the 2009/2010 school year.

On a motion by Mr. Bushka, seconded by Mr. Farley, the Board voted unanimously to authorize the payment of $26,928 from the Vehicle Replacement Fund to purchase a 2011 Ford F250 with an optional plow set-up/plow rear window guard for the Parks Dept. from Ray Seraphin Ford, Inc. of Rockville, CT, per the recommendation of the Fleet Manager and the Purchasing Agent, having been approved by City Council on August 16, 2010.

Mrs. Traub questioned the replacement of a one ton truck with a ¾ ton, the low mileage, and the budget percentage spent on major repairs. She said her fear is that these may not receive proper maintenance on a monthly basis.  Mr. Castro replied that the towing and plowing vehicles take a tremendous beating, including rust caused by the product they carry. He said they can go for longer mileage but they end up with cracked chassis that cost more to repair. Mrs. Traub said that she appreciates the effort to get the best salvage value, but requests that routine maintenance be taken more seriously. Mr. Simmons added that the mileage on these vehicles is ‘hard’ mileage, within the city, and that they are worked aggressively.
Mr. Bushka asked if these replacements are on time within the Vehicle Replacement Schedule, Mr. Castro replied that the Parks vehicles are behind, but the others are on time. Mayor Bingham said the Vehicle Replacement Advisory Board met and reviewed these replacements. Mrs. Pesce said it would be helpful to know where these vehicles are on the replacement schedule.

On a motion by Mr. Farley, seconded by Mr. Scoville, the Board voted unanimously to authorize the payment of $25,104 from the Vehicle Replacement Fund to purchase a 2011 Ford F250 with an optional 4WD and lift gate for the Parks Dept. from Colonial Ford of Plymouth, MA per the recommendation of the Fleet Manager and Purchasing Agent, having been approved by City Council on August 16, 2010.

On a motion by Mrs. Pesce, seconded by Mrs. Traub, the Board voted unanimously to table the payment of $26,579 from the Vehicle Replacement Fund to purchase a 2010 Ford Explorer for the Chief of Police from MHQ Municipal Headquarters, West Hartford, CT per the recommendation of the Fleet Manager and the Purchasing Agent, having been approved by the Board of Public Safety and pending City Council approval.

Mr. Bushka made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Traub, to consider the authorization of a payment of $118,520 from the Vehicle Replacement Fund to purchase four (4) Police Interceptors for the Police Dept. from Bonnell Motors, Inc. of Winchester, MA at a cost of $29,630 each with detailing performed by Write Way Signs of Torrington for a total additional cost of $2316 per the recommendation of the Purchase Agent and the Fleet Manager, having been approved by the Board of Public Safety on August 11, 2010 and by City Council on August 16, 2010.

Mr. Farley said he calculated the decal cost at about $2000 or $1296 from the other bidders, and asked why Write Way Signs is recommended without going out to bid. Mr. Castro replied that that vendor has worked for the City since 1997, having all our specifications on file, and could complete the project in about a week. Delivering specs to other vendors would be laborious, he said. Mr. Farley said that while it’s good to use local vendors, it would be more appropriate to go out to bid. Mayor Bingham recommended some other sign shops be called.

Mr. Bushka amended his motion as follows: to authorize the payment of $118,520 from the Vehicle Replacement Fund to purchase four (4) Police Interceptors for the Police Dept. from Bonnell Motors, Inc. of Winchester, MA at a cost of $29,630 each with detailing performed, for a total additional cost of up to $2316 per the recommendation of the Purchase Agent and the Fleet Manager, having been approved by the Board of Public Safety on August 11, 2010 and by City Council on August 16, 2010. Mrs. Traub seconded the amended motion and it was unanimously approved.

On a motion by Mrs. Traub, seconded by Mrs. Pesce, the Board voted unanimously to authorize the payment of $19,771 from the Vehicle Replacement Fund to purchase a 2010 Ford Ranger Extended Cab 4 x 4 for the Street Dept. from Torrington Ford per the recommendation of the Fleet Manager and the Purchasing Agent, having already been approved by City Council on July 19, 2010.
Mr. Castro explained this vehicle is not on the replacement plan report, having already been sold, and one of his loaner vehicles is being driven in its stead, by the Assistant Superintendent of Streets.
Mr. Farley questioned the quoted prices, comparing choices for newer and older vehicles, and Mr. Castro said at different times of the year, prices and delivery times vary. He also said he purchases extended warrantees on the bigger, more expensive vehicles.
On a motion by Mrs. Pesce, seconded by Mr. Farley, the Board voted unanimously to authorize the payment of $4935 from the Vehicle Replacement Fund to purchase/install a Lubritech Automatic Lubrication System for a Street Dept. plow truck from Lubrication Technologies, Inc. per the recommendation of the Fleet Manager and the Purchasing Agent, having been approved by City Council on August 16, 2010.  Mr. Farley commented that the price of this system has gone down $800 from the time the truck was purchased.

On a motion by Mr. Scoville, seconded by Mr. Paganini, the Board voted unanimously to open the meeting to the public on "agenda items" only.  There was no one who wished to speak.

On a motion by Mrs. Traub, seconded by Mr. Farley, the Board voted unanimously to consider business presented by Department Heads. No business was presented.

On a motion by Mrs. Traub, seconded by Mrs. Pesce, the Board voted unanimously to consider business by the Mayor and members of the Board of Finance.  
Mr. Farley welcomed Mr. Paganini to the Board.
Mr. Scoville asked for a report on our bond issues and their rates, inviting Mr. Mattiello to come in to discuss how the rate environment is and if we’re taking advantage of it. Mayor Bingham offered to invite our Bond Counsel to the meeting as well.
Mrs. Traub thanked the Mayor for creating the Blue Ribbon Commission, knowing the Board of Finance will appreciate it tremendously by next March. She said it’s very important that we’re being proactive as a City, recognizing what might happen with State or outside funding next year.
Mayor Bingham said the Board of Finance will need to be key in this, with a constant flow of information and ideas.
Mr. Paganini thanked the Mayor for the Appointment and looks forward to working hard on behalf of the City.

On a motion by Mr. Farley, seconded by Mr. Paganini, the Board of Finance voted unanimously to adjourn at 5:37 p.m.

ATTEST:  JOSEPH L. QUARTIERO, CMC                                                                                             
                 CITY CLERK          

Respectfully Submitted,                                                                                                                                         
Carol L. Anderson, CCTC
Asst. City Clerk