PRESENTATION: OPEN SPACE PRESERVATION Conservation Commission Chairman Kevin Fitzgerald spoke about his letter of May 12, 2010 requesting Open Space financing. He said it would be an investment for the City in things that make a difference, preserving what we have. The purchase of the Leone property on Machuga Road would be a small investment that will redound for the whole City. Conservation Commission Vice Chairman Christine Altman added that, beyond the Leone property, they are requesting to be part of the City budget. Mayor Bingham replied, with the Conservation Commission being sensitive to the budget situation, he would like to continue this conversation. Mrs. Pesce asked where their current $45,000 came from and Mayor Bingham explained developers pay a fee to the Open Space Fund. He further commended the energy of the Conservation Commission. Ms. Altman said they are also looking for other sources of funding, including fundraising. Mayor Bingham said these line items will be reviewed. Mrs. Traub had it clarified that the City would own the properties purchased. She said she supports efforts to conserve Open Space, and would like to see a plan of other properties whose purchase would be considered in the future. Ms. Altman said it is included in the Plan of Conservation and Development. Mayor Bingham said there is definitely support for this, if not the means to do so. Mrs. Traub asked if there are State or Federal grants available. Ms. Altman replied that the National Park Service is interested.
APPOINTMENT OF AUDITOR Mayor Bingham explained he decided to start reviewing long-term contractors and sub-contractors, and this is another step in that process, in order to stay fresh and get the best value. He said they were pleased to see five responses to the RFQ. He, along with Purchasing Agent Pennie Zucco, City Treasurer Arthur Mattiello, Asst. City Treasurer Sheryl Lewis, and Comptroller Proulx, decided to interview two firms. Both were well-qualified, he said. Ms. Proulx said Blum Shapiro offered more flexibility, more staff, less fear of not having enough coverage to get the job done on time, and a better fit for the
City. Mayor Bingham said he recommends Blum Shapiro as our Auditor because they can create a seamless transition, and are considered incredibly professional by other municipalities. Mrs. Traub asked if this is a set price; Ms. Proulx replied the only modification could be for additional work they have to do, which has never happened in the past. Mrs. Pesce asked if Board of Finance or City Council members could be included in these committees. Atty. Weaver said there's nothing in the Charter preventing their involvement, and the meetings would then be open to the public. Mrs. Pesce pointed out that the challenge with Auditors is who they bring with them, such as new graduates. Ms. Proulx said she was reassured that Blum Shapiro staff would have a minimum of three years' experience. On a motion by Mr. Scoville, seconded by Mr. Farley, the Board voted unanimously to appoint Blum Shapiro of West Hartford, CT as financial auditor for the next three fiscal years for the contracted amounts of
$61,750/$63,250/$64,750 pending City Council approval.