A REGULAR MEETING of the Board of Finance was held on Tuesday, April 21, 2009 in the Main Room of the Sullivan Senior Center.
Those in attendance included Mayor Ryan J. Bingham, Corporation Counsel ErnestineYuille Weaver, Comptroller Alice Proulx, Board of Finance Members Daniel Farley, Laurene Pesce, Thomas Scoville, Wendy Traub, and James Zeller.
Mayor Bingham called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
MINUTES #14 On a motion by Mr. Farley, seconded by Mrs. Pesce, the Board voted unanimously to accept the minutes of the regular meeting held February 26, 2009. Mr. Zeller abstained.
MINUTES #23 On a motion by Mrs.Traub, seconded by Mr. Farley, the Board voted unanimously to accept the minutes of the special meeting held March 4, 2009. Mr. Zeller abstained.
OPEN TO THE PUBLIC #32 On a motion by Mr. Farley, seconded by Mrs. Traub, the Board voted unanimously to open the meeting to the public.
MOTION TO TABLE: PLOW TRUCK CHASSIS #43 On a motion by Mrs. Pesce, seconded by Mr. Scoville, the board voted unanimously to table the agenda item of waiving the bid process/accepting the State Bids for the purchase of two plow truck chassis and two dump bodies for fiscal year 2008-2009 out of Acct. #0309.5900.0105 because this does not have City Council approval yet.
ANNUAL AUDIT PRESENTATION #56 Mr. William Sawicki, Audit Principal of UHY, LLP in New Haven presented the audit findings, having conducted the 2008 financial federal single audit, state single audits and ED01 work for the city. His unqualified opinion is that the City of Torrington is in compliance with federal and state single audit regulations. For federal purposes, the city is classified as a low-risk auditee, i.e. within the two preceding years,
there were no material weakness or significant deficiency findings regarding major programs. There were no findings or comments regarding compliances or internal control. Mr.Sawicki said the City has a good software program that is capable of more than it is currently being used for.
COMPTROLLER SUMMARY #208 Comptroller Proulx referred the Board to the different areas of the audit including summary information contained in the MDNA, combined financial statements of all of the funds, statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balance for the general fund, statements of the City's proprietary funds which include WPCA and the internal service fund—the City employees' self-insured health insurance fund, statements of the fiduciary funds which are the two employee pension plans, notes to the financial statements which provide an overview of accounting policies and
their impact on the City's financial reporting, and supplemental schedules that tie into the financial statements.
BUSINESS: MAYOR & BOARD OF FINANCE #612 On a Motion by Mrs. Traub, seconded by Mr. Scoville, the Board voted unanimously to consider business by the Mayor and Members of the Board of Finance. Mr. Farley asked about the CRRA money. Mayor Bingham said we haven't touched it yet. Mr. Farley asked about the 53 week pay period. Mayor Bingham said a precedent has been set; he will pursue the zero percent wage increase instead. Mr. Scoville asked about Reval appeals' effect on revenue projections. Mayor Bingham said this will be based on how quickly the Board of Assessment Appeals can get through all the hearings. Mrs. Traub asked if they will be able to set the mill rate on the appointed date. Mayor Bingham pointed out that the only time the deadline was met has been during his administration. Mrs. Traub expressed her appreciation for the city employee wage freezes.
ADJOURNMENT #882 On a motion by Mrs. Pesce, seconded by Mr. Scoville, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn at 5:28 p.m.
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