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Minutes 05/28/2003
             BOARD OF FINANCE
            MAY 28, 2003

                 A   SPECIAL  MEETING of the Board of Finance was held on Wednesday, May 28,  2003 in the Council Chambers to adopt the budget and set the mill rate.

Attending was Mayor Owen J. Quinn, Jr., members of the Board of Finance Theodore Miasek, Michael Nejaime, Diane Libby, Roger Dickinson, and Bruce Cornish.  Also, present was Corp. Counsel Albert Vasko, Comptroller Alice Proulx, Treasurer Richard J. Friday, members of the Board of Councilmen, Thomas Jerram, Paul Samele, Marie Soliani, David Bascetta, Richard Dalla Valle, and James Reginatto, members of the Board of Public Safety James Potter, and Thomas Telman, Christopher Cook, and Deputy Fire Chief Jaye Giampaolo.

Mayor Quinn called the meeting to order at 9:07 p.m., immediately following a joint meeting of the Board of Finance and the Board of Councilmen.

Mrs. Libby said another $46,000.00 could be added to the $89,000.00 of encumbrances that weren’t going to be used, bringing that total to $135,000.00.  She stated that there was $936,000.00 in surplus from the current year and the board had been thinking of using $800,000.00 as their number, however, it could be adjusted after they reviewed all budgets.

Mr. Miasek didn’t favor using anything over the $800,000.00 from surplus.  

Mrs. Libby asked Corp. Counsel Vasko whether they would vote on the Board of Education budget as one budget or two separate budgets.

Corp. Counsel Vasko indicated that they would vote on the two budgets separately.

Their Capital Budget was $1,554,550.00 and their Operating Budget was $47,113,070.00.

On a motion by Mrs. Libby, seconded by Mr. Nejaime, the board voted unanimously to add $60,000.00 to the Management Contingency for the purpose of hiring a Finance Director once the job description is developed.

$100,000.00 CUT ACROSS THE BOARD #270
On a motion by Mr. Dickinson, seconded by Mr. Cornish, the board voted unanimously to make a city wide cut of $100,000.00 in lieu of focusing a $100,000.00 cut to the Fire Department.

During a discussion, Mr. Nejaime urged Mayor Quinn to institute the cut across the board through savings.

Mr. Dickinson indicated that he was thinking along the lines of revenues and expenses when he initially suggested the cut of $100,000.00 to the Fire Department.  He felt the same way with the city wide cut.

Mr. Nejaime didn’t feel that merely cutting another $100,000.00 sent the city in the right direction.   He felt we needed to analyze where $100,000.00 could be saved.

Mrs. Libby agreed with Mr. Nejaime.  She said it wouldn’t be wise to cut something from this budget only to see it reappear in next year’s budget.

$400,000.00 BLUE CROSS SURPLUS #405
On a motion by Mrs. Libby, seconded by Mr. Miasek, the board voted unanimously to use $400,000.00 from the Blue Cross/Blue Shied surplus and apply $133,320.00 toward the city line item for health insurance and apply $266,680.00 toward the Board of Education.  

Mr. Dickinson indicated that the current operational budget request to the Board of Finance from the Board of Education was $47,406,870.00 and capital budget was $1,261,550.00: Total budget request was $48,668,420.00.   

Mr. Dickinson made a motion to reduce the Board of Education’s Operational Budget by $1 million, bringing it to $46,406,870.00.  

Mrs. Libby inquired whether they should further reduce their Operational Budget by the $266,680.00 from the Blue Cross/Blue Shield surplus.

Mr. Dickinson agreed that it should be deducted.  That would bring their Operational Budget to $46,140,190.00.   Additionally, he asked whether the $219,000.00 was still in the 2002-2003 budget numbers.   

Mrs. Proulx stated that no change had been done to date from the capital to operational.  It was noted that they would not be carrying the $219,000.00 over to next year’s budget.

Mr. Dickinson withdrew his earlier motion.

Mr. Nejaime felt the Board of Education should be cut by another $100,000.00, similar to the cut given to the city side.  

Mr. Cornish said he would support that additional cut.

Ms. Proulx indicated that the operational budget of $46,306,870.00, less the $266,680.00, totaled $46,040,190.00.  

According to Ms. Proulx’s calculations, the total budget was $47,401,740.00, which was cut by $100,000.00.  The net total should be $47,301,740.00.  The Operational Budget would be $46,040,190.00 and Capital Budget of $1,261,550.00.  

Mrs. Libby made a motion to approve the Capital Budget of the Board of Education at $1,261,550.00.  Mr. Nejaime seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote, Mr. Miasek, Mr. Nejaime, Mrs. Libby, Mr. Dickinson, and Mr. Cornish voted in favor of the motion.  

Mrs. Libby made a motion to approve the Board of Education’s Operating Budget at $46,040,190.00, which is a decrease to their budget of $1,100,000.00, in addition to $266,680.00 on the health insurance line item.  Mr. Nejaime seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote, Mr. Miasek, Mr. Nejaime, Mrs. Libby, Mr. Dickinson, and Mr. Cornish voted in favor of the motion.

Mrs. Libby made a motion to approve the city budget of $42,403,632.00.  This figure includes the addition of $60,000.00 for the Finance Director, the reduction of $100,000.00 across the board and a credit of $133,320.00 from the Blue Cross/Blue Shield line item.   Mr. Dickinson seconded the motion.  On a roll call vote, Mr. Miasek, Mr. Nejaime, Mrs. Libby, Mr. Dickinson, and Mr. Cornish voted in favor of the motion.  

Mrs. Libby made a motion to use the encumbrance number of $135,000.00 to reduce next year’s budget.  Mr. Dickinson seconded the motion.  The board voted unanimously to accept the motion.

Mrs. Libby made a motion to use $800,000.00 of expected surplus to reduce next year’s budget and mill rate.  Mr. Miasek seconded the motion.  The board voted unanimously to accept the motion.

Mrs. Libby made a motion to set the mill rate for the 2003-2004 budget year at 38.28 mills.  Mr. Dickinson seconded the motion.   On a roll call vote, Mr. Miasek, Mr. Nejaime, Mrs. Libby, Mr. Dickinson and Mr. Cornish voted unanimously to accept the 38.28 mill rate.

On a motion by Mr. Nejaime, seconded by Mr. Miasek, the board voted unanimously to adjourn at 9:50 p.m.

                CITY CLERK