May 19, 2015
A REGULAR MEETING of the Board of Finance was held in the City Hall Auditorium on Tuesday,
May 19, 2015.
Present were Mayor Elinor Carbone, Corporation Counsel Raymond Rigat, and Board of Finance members Bill Lamoin, Mark Bushka, Joshua Ferreira, Frank Rubino, Thomas Scoville and Laurene Pesce. Comptroller Alice Proulx, Police Chief Michael Maniago, Fire Chief Gary Brunoli, Deputy Fire Chief Christopher Pepler, Board of Education Chairman Kenneth Traub and Board of Education Vice Chair Fiona Cappabianca were also present.
Mayor Carbone called the meeting to order at 5:02 p.m. starting with the Pledge of Allegiance.
On a motion by Mr. Ferreira, seconded by Mrs. Pesce, the Board voted unanimously to accept the minutes of the Regular meeting held April 21, 2015.
On a motion by Mr. Bushka, seconded by Mr. Ferreira, the Board voted unanimously to accept the minutes of the Public Hearing and Special meeting held jointly with the Board of Education on April 28, 2015.
On a motion by Mrs. Pesce, seconded by Mr. Bushka, the Board voted unanimously to accept the minutes of the Public Hearing and Special meeting held jointly with the City Council & WPC Authority on May 4, 2015.
On a motion by Mr. Ferreira, seconded by Mr. Lamoin, the Board voted unanimously to open the meeting to the public. There was no one present who wished to speak.
On an amended* motion by Mr. Ferreira, seconded as amended* by Mr. Scoville, the Board voted 5/1 with Mr. Rubino opposed, to authorize the transfer of $350,000 from the sale of the City Water System to the Streetlight Account #105 for proposed streetlight work including the removal of approximately 1950 streetlights and 190 transfers and continuing the conversions of Streetlights to LED, *pending City Council approval.
Mr. Rubino voiced his opposition saying he would rather see this included in a budget. Mayor Carbone said this is not tax revenue and Ms. Proulx said the money is currently in the Special Projects fund. Mr. Lamoin said he would have preferred more information.
Mayor Carbone reviewed all the budget work completed so far and looked to the Board for guidance on further cuts. Board members offered their opinions on ways to improve the City’s economic outlook. Mrs. Pesce said that the tax base needs to be built up and noted that moving the bulk of the pension fund from the City to the Board of Education might be reconsidered if the Board of Finance agreed. Mayor Carbone replied that it remains an obligation to the taxpayer. Mr. Lamoin compared Torrington to neighboring towns that have better schools and lower taxes. He said he does not want any tax increase, and that ways should be found to restore pride in this town. Mayor Carbone said that 30% of our roads are failing, which is the second biggest complaint received in her office.
Mr. Scoville recommended taking advantage of our bond rating for more extensive capital improvement with economy of scale. He questioned the repairs scheduled for small, dead-end roads, not the larger arteries. Mayor Carbone said the rural collector roads qualify for some State funding, and she is looking at those other funding streams.
Mayor Carbone said that the impact of grand list adjustments will bring the mill rate from 36.32 to 44.80, and after the proposed level four budget cuts it will be 47.54. She said the current proposal is $74,520,847 Board of Education and $54,491,476 City for a total of $129,012,323. Mayor Carbone said the total revenue, including grant funds as proposed is $37,879,388 for a net impact of $91,564,935 after homeowners’ tax credits and local abatements are applied. This would leave a mill rate of 47.0535, she said, or a City increase of 2.85% and a Board of Education increase of 5%.
Chairman Traub arrived at 6:02 and explained the wage increases, the ways they are trying to reduce their proposed budget increases and their capital plans. The Board of Finance expressed appreciation for the information presented as it helped them with their decisions.
BUSINESS: Dept. Heads
On a motion by Mr. Bushka, seconded by Mr. Ferreira, the Board voted unanimously to consider business presented by Department Heads. No business was presented.
BUSINESS: Mayor and Board Members
On a motion by Mr. Scoville, seconded by Mr. Rubino, the Board voted unanimously to consider business presented by the Mayor and members of the Board of Finance. Mayor Carbone noted that she feels the Board of Finance should hear regular reports on what businesses are moving in to the community.
On a motion by Mrs. Pesce, seconded by Mr. Scoville, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn at 6:45 p.m.
Carol L. Anderson, MCTC, CMC Asst. City Clerk |