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Minutes 05/06/2014
Economic Development Commission
Meeting Minutes
May 6, 2014 5:05 pm
City Hall Auditorium

Attendance: Mayor Elinor Carbone, Dawn Gutowski, JoAnn Ryan, Ed Cannata, Greg Mele, Nancy Sieller, Erin Wilson

Meeting called to order at 5:05 pm by Nancy Sieller and seconded by Greg Mele.

A motion to open the meeting to the public made by Dawn Gutowski and seconded by Greg Mele.

Minutes of the April 1, 2014 meeting were approved by Nancy Sieller and seconded by Greg Mele.

Erin Wilson discussed the June 10th Economic Development workshop and the possibility of recording it.

Ms. Wilson discussed the June 12th UCONN, Torrington Step up Business Conference and about marketing Torrington. She mentioned bringing in a Newsletter, blog, website or logo for the EDC, branding or creating a name for Torrington EDC different from “Its Happening Here.” Ms. Wilson also considers purchasing new banners. The pros and cons of using “It’s Happening Here” as a brand for EDC was discussed, or to use that website and create a link to a new page.

Ms. Wilson discussed what would be in the Newsletter, including using it to keep commissioners, business owners and the public updated on what is going on from an economic development stand point.

Ms. Wilson discussed the role of EDC in housing, and other services. She also talked about different businesses downtown, what would attract more people and what businesses they should bring in that area. The EDC discussed community development and if it’s the EDC job to take that on, or just support another commission’s efforts.

Ms. Wilson discussed how realtors and brokers need to work with the EDC and businesses to fit the new business’s needs, such as where to relocate or move into.

Ms. Wilson discussed how everyone needs to work together; with this new administration the best way to get anything done is if everyone is on the same page. Ms. Wilson discussed getting involved
in the Brokers Breakfast and trying to get the EDC involved in that.

Ms. Wilson felt that the energy improvement program CPACE is not being utilized and questioned how it could get them a potential grant for promoting their programs to businesses.

Ms. Wilson discussed how Torrington needs more businesses that attract visitors into town. Ms. Wilson said how having a business database could help with that, so we can monitor how the business are doing and how many people they are attracting.

The EDC discussed what their roles should be in taking small steps to market EDC and how everyone can take a business and do research on them.

The EDC discussed attracting a Marriott or similar hotel into Torrington to provide accommodations to those visiting our businesses and entertainment attractions.

The EDC discussed whether or not to hold meetings in July and August because in previous years they have had a break because of Main Street Marketplace. They also discussed having another person run MSMP. Ms. Wilson says how she is trying to make it easier to work with and hopefully be able to fully hand it over to the Arts and Culture commission. Ms. Wilson also discussed promoting out to other regions to help bring people to Torrington for MSMP and to also see all the good things the town has to offer.

A concern is brought up about raising the parking fee up to a dollar an hour, that it would discourage people. On the other hand it will help businesses turn over customers and not have cars parked all day. It was discussed that a parking management program may be needed. The EDC discussed the pros and cons of having parking kiosks.

Ms. Wilson discussed the plans of the state bus station, and how the land that the state bus station is looking at is contaminated. Ms. Wilson also brought up how they can remediate brownfield sites, and explained how other towns take years to clean up their brownfield sites and spend millions of dollars. Ms. Wilson also discussed where incoming money should go.

Vote to consider business presented by the Mayor and members of the Commission

The meeting was adjourned at 7:19 pm by Greg Mele and seconded by Nancy Sieller.

Respectfully submitted,
Erin Wilson