Economic Development Commission
Meeting Minutes
March 4, 2014 5:00pm
City Hall Auditorium
Attendance: Mayor Elinor Carbone, Dawn Gutowski, JoAnn Ryan, Ed Cannata, Bill Battle, Greg Mele, Erin Wilson
Meeting called to order at 5:00pm
Minutes of February 3, 2014 meeting were approved on a motion by JoAnn Ryan and Bill Battle. Commissioner Mele abstained.
Commissioners introduced themselves to the new Economic Development Director, Erin Wilson.
Erin Wilson introduced herself and spoke about her ideas and goals for the EDC. She explained that she and the Mayor are working to produce a plan or strategy for Economic Development for the City of Torrington but that they want the plan to be something that all the groups and commissions agree upon and something that the EDC can take ownership of. She explained that many of the groups have worked independently for a long time, many good things have happened along with some not so great things, but that there has been a change in the culture and these groups are very excited to move forward and want to work together.
Erin Wilson spoke about the website and how it would be very difficult for her to manage and would like the Council to sell it to Evan Dobos from Picture this web center. There was discussion between the Commissioners that this would be best managed by Mr. Dobos and spoke about ways to expand it by expanding those who use the site, businesses and restaurants. Mayor Carbone explained that the contract was for one year with Mr. Dobos to create the website under a place making grant. She also explained that the cost was not the full $200,000 as many have thought. She explained it was never the intention of the ACT Commission to hold onto the website. Erin Wilson went on to explain how the City’s economic development webpage could be enhanced and discussed creating a monthly newsletter that came directly from her
office updating the public on news , new programs, and possibly grant applications.
Erin Wilson presented the Commission with the Developers Guide, the Plan of Conservation section on Economic Development and the charter description of the Economic Development Commission. She asked the Commission to read these documents and begin to think about whether the Commission still feels the same way and to develop goals and strategies for the Commission. She explained that at the next meeting she wanted to group the discussions around goals such as professional development, increasing the tax base, welcome packets to new businesses, and potential marketing strategies.
Bill Battle spoke about having a holistic approach and that the Commission has been underutilized and that the Commission could be doing more.
Mayor Carbone discussed the idea of collective impact and that this should be applied here in the City of Torrington.
There was general discussion and observations regarding developers working in Torrington but staying in Avon. It was agreed that the Commission should focus on lodging and the need for more of it and/or enhancing what we have.
Erin Wilson discussed Main Street Market Place (MSMP) and how the Arts & Culture Commission may need some assistance this year. She asked if there was a way that the Commission could support MSMP. There was discussion between the Commissioners and they agreed that they have always supported but have never been hands on and that they should do more.
Erin Wilson explained that downtown Torrington is the heart of the community and that the commission should support the downtown. She explained that there are other groups focused on the downtown but that the Commission needs to support it more. She explained that it would be hard for her to attract businesses and manufactures to the area if the heart of our community was struggling. At the same time, the downtown needs the manufacturers and businesses outside the center to support them as well. She explained that moving forward the Commission should focus on all aspects of the community since they support each other.
There was discussion between the Commissioners about the need for a social change and that there should be an educational component to Economic Development.
Greg Mele discussed a new event “Tour of Torrington Homes” that would occur in September.
Greg Mele and JoAnn Ryan discussed another event in collaboration with the Chamber around public art “All aboard Litchfield Trains” and it will be formally announced soon.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:00pm on a motion by Bill Battle, seconded by JoAnn Ryan.
Respectfully submitted,
Erin Wilson