Economic Development Commission
Meeting Minutes
January 8th, 5:00pm
City Hall Auditorium
Attendance: Jim Thibault, Nancy Sieller, JoAnn Ryan, Bill Battle, Greg Mele, Stephen Michna, Rose Ponte, Tim Waldron
Meeting called to order at 5:03pm. Vote to open the meeting to the public motioned by Greg Mele, seconded by Bill Battle.
Motion to approve the minutes of the December meeting by JoAnn Ryan, seconded by Nancy Sieller.
Motion by Stephen Michna to add “Approval of November Minutes” and “Set meeting schedule for 2013” to the agenda, seconded by Greg Mele, motion approved.
November meeting minutes approved on a motion by JoAnn Ryan, seconded by Greg Mele
Commission discussed and decided to schedule EDC meetings for the 1st Tuesday of the month at 5:00pm for the next year. The Commission will not meet in July and August, due to the election, the commission will meet on the second Tuesday of November.
Rose Ponte distributed the final report from Margie Johnson, the Downtown Consultant who visited Torrington in the fall. Members would review the report and it would be discussed at the next meeting.
Discussion was held on new businesses moving to Torrington, including manufacturing and restaurants.
Rose Ponte discussed the business visitation program being planned, visits would begin in February.
Jim Thibault discussed the efforts of selecting a marketing firm to work with Downtown Torrington and the rest of the City. Rose Ponte elaborated on the parameters of the grant.
JoAnn Ryan brought up that Torrington was just named as one of 3 cities to participate in a pilot program through the CT Main Street Center. Rose Ponte discussed what the program entailed.
Jim Thibault brought up the developer data that Rose had compiled for the commission. It was decided that the data was very informative and helpful and that Rose would continue to keep the list updated and distributed to the commission. The list would be given to the marketing firm when selected.
Bill Battle brought up a radio program that he had heard regarding manufacturing companies that were moving back to the US. JoAnn Ryan added that the Chamber’s Manufacturer’s Coalition has been rekindled and is becoming very active again.
Motion to adjourn the meeting by Bill Battle, seconded by Nancy Sieller. Meeting was adjourned at 6:14pm.
Respectfully submitted by,
Tim Waldron