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March 6, 2012
City of Torrington Economic Development Commission
Minutes March 6, 2012

Members Present:   Nancy Sieller, Dawn Gutowski, TJ Zappulla, Bill Battle, JoAnn Ryan,  
Greg Mele,  

Members Absent:  George Noujaim, Jim Thibault, Steve Michna  

Also in attendance: Rose Ponte, and Tim Waldron

Commissioner Ryan called the meeting to order at 5:00pm

  • Open meeting to Public
Commissioner Ryan made the motion to open the meeting to the public and Commissioner Gutowski seconded the motion.  Motion carried
  • Approval of the Minutes
Commissioner Zappulla made the motion to approve minutes from February 7, 2012.  Commissioner Ryan seconded the motion.  The motion carried.  

  • Rose Ponte announced that Torrington has been to selected to receive the City Canvas Grant. It was a very competitive selection process out of 14 Cities, the top seven were selected. Torrington was the smallest of the seven cities selected. The time frame to complete the project is August 31, 2012. The goal of the project is to create an iconic piece of public art which will drive tourism and economic development. Great Art = Great Places is the project’s tagline. The City will partner with the Warner to complete this project. Rose also reported that she is writing a marketing challenge grant also from the state office of the arts, to partially fund a city wide branding, promotional marketing campaign. There is a critical need for promotional materials, and it was one of the recommendations from the arts study.
  • Business Retention Program: Sample business retention surveys were reviewed and edited by the commissioners. Tim Waldron will edit and present at next month’s meeting a revised copy of the survey. Commissioners discussed how they would schedule meetings, select the companies, and goals for the project.
Having no further business the meeting was  adjourned at 7:00PM