City of Torrington Economic Development Commission
Minutes February 7, 2012
Members Present: Dawn Gutowski, Jim Thibault, TJ Zappulla, Bill Battle, JoAnn Ryan, Nancy Sieller, George Noujaim, Greg Mele, Stephen Michna
Members Absent:
Commissioner Ryan called the meeting to order at 5:00pm
Commissioner Ryan made the motion to open the meeting to the public and Commissioner Noujaim seconded the motion. Motion carried
Commissioners voted to table this motion since many had not had a chance to read the minutes online.
- Steve Michna Introduction
Rose Ponte introduced the newest member of the commission, Stephen Michna. Stephen was appointed to replace retiring commissioner Cindy Donaldson. A Torrington native, he was very happy to return after college and find a job at Optiwind. He would like to assist in expanding opportunities in Torrington so more jobs become available for young professionals. Rose Ponte also introduced Tim Waldron, who recently was hired to replace Stephen Nocera. Tim is also a Torrington native and will be assisting with Economic Development and is the aide to the mayor
At last month’s meeting commissioners nominate Jim Thibault as chairman, Jim promised to think about it and get back to everyone. After careful consideration he is willing to take the chairmanship as long as the commission is willing to be disciplined and effective. After reading the edc mission statement and the 2012 edc goals Jim selected a few activities that the commissioners might want to take on. A lengthy discussion took place; retention, business visitation, and marketing were activity most agreed would be worthwhile action items for the commission to focus on . Jim stressed that the action items should be one that can be measured. Commissioner Sieller stressed that the activities should not focus on downtown but rather on the entire City.
- Commissioner Zappulla made a motion to appoint Commissioner Thibault as chair, and Commissioner Noujaim seconded the motion. The motion carried.
- New Business. It was decided that Rose would continue to write the minutes and post them online, and meetings would continue to be help on the first Tuesday of the month.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:00PM