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Minutes April 5, 2011
Minutes April 5, 2011
City of Torrington Economic Development Commission
Members Present:  Cindy Donaldson, TJ Zapulla, Jim Thibault, Dawn Gutowski, Greg Mele
Members Absent:  JoAnn Ryan, Bill Battles, George Noujaim, Nancy Sieller
Commissioner Donaldson called the meeting to order at 5:03 pm
  • Open meeting to Public
  • Commissioner Mele made the motion to open the meeting to the public and Commissioner Gutowski seconded the motion.  Motion carried
  • Approval of the Minutes
  • Commissioner Zapulla made the motion to approve the minutes of March 1, 2011 and Commissioner Thibault seconded the motion.  Motion carried
  • ACT – update
  • Mainstreet Market place committees are meeting on a regular basis and the projection is positive for participation.  The commission is also working with downtown property owners on an art space initiative.
  • SWOT – update
  • The EDC blog has been well received. To date posts by Commissioner Donaldson, Martin Connor and Mayor Bingham have been posted.  Commissioner Zapulla is working on  doing a history timeline of the EDC and Commissioner Gutowski will focus on manufacturing in Torrington.  It was decided that the blog should feature Torrington companies.
  • Education Initiative – tabled due to Commissioner Battles absence
  • Bill Baxter – TDC update.
  • Mr. Baxter went over the highlights of the finalized MDP plan including the bridge project with the Torrington Downtown Partners. Also discussed was the Uconn/TDC/Torrington arts research study that is currently in force.
  • Adjournment at 6:15pm  
  • Commissioner Mele made the motion to adjourn, Commissioner Thibault seconded the motion. Motion carried.