City of Torrington Economic Development Commission
Minutes December 7, 2010
Members Present: Cindy Donaldson, Dawn Gutowski, JoAnn Ryan, TJ Zappulla, Bill Battle, Greg Mele
Members Absent: Jim Thibault, Nancy Sieller, George Noujaim, Mayor Bingham
Commissioner Donaldson called the meeting to order at 5:05pm
Commissioner Mele made the motion to open the meeting to the public and Commissioner Battle seconded the motion. Motion carried.
2. Approval of the Minutes
Commissioner Mele, made the motion to approve October 5, 2010 minutes Commissioner Battle seconded the motion, the motion carried.
3. ACT Update:
ACT is working with the Downtown Torrington Partners to outline an artist space initiative. They will develop a plan to work with them to establish affordable housing and exhibit space for artist to relocate to Torrington.
Main Street MarketPlace received the economic development award of the year from CERC for the Northwest region at the annual Celebrate Success Awards dinner. ACT is already meeting to work on next year’s MarketPlace.
4. Social Media update:
Cindy has started the economic development blog and is also providing economic development information through the TDC twitter account. She will update us as time goes on.
5. TDC Update
Cindy updated the commission on the TDC’s progress. TDC is meeting with DOT to receive approval to start sidewalks on streetscape improvements on one side of Main Street; in addition there is a possibility that a grant from DECD may be available for East Main Street.
6. Revive-Education alliance with UCONN:
Bill Battle has been meeting regularly with Chris Leone and Mike Maynard from
UCONN. He will keep the commission updated.
7. 2011 Focus
Cindy would like to continue to stay focused on the results of the SWOT
Analysis and include all areas of the City. Next month we will invite Glen
Royals. He is active in the North End Business Association.
10. Adjournment- At 6:15 PM Commissioner Battle made a motion to adjourn, Commissioner Mele seconded the motion. The motion carried.