City of Torrington Economic Development Commission
Minutes May 4, 2010
Members Present: Cindy Donaldson, TJ Zappulla, Bill Battle, Greg Mele, Nancy Sieller, George Noujaim, Dawn Gutowski
Members Absent: Mayor Bingham, JoAnn Ryan, Jim Thibault,
Commissioner Donaldson called the meeting to order at 5:12pm
Commissioner Sieller made the motion to open the meeting to the public and Commissioner Mele seconded the motion. Motion carried
2. Approval of the Minutes
Commissioner Zappulla made the motion to approve the April 6, 2010, minutes Commissioner Mele seconded the motion. Commissioner Zappulla noted the misspelling of his name. Correction was noted and the motion carried.
3.EDC Commissioner Opening
Dawn Gutowski has agreed to serve on the EDC. Her appointment will be voted on at the next City Council hearing
4. TDC Update with Bill Baxter
Bill Baxter, Director of the TDC gave an update as to the progress of the downtown project. He brought with him the posters outlining the first three phases of the project. A public informational meeting on the plan will be held in June.
5. ACT Update:
Main Street Marketplace will be held every Thursday from 5-9 starting on July 1
August 26th. Local vendors have been contacted.
6. SWOT Analysis- Tabled until June Meeting
7. New Business
Bill Battle continues to contact local restaurants to participate in this summer’s one night of outdoor dining. Restaurant owners have been very positive about this event. Bill will be looking at dates and may decide to hold it during one of Thursday’s Main Street Marketplace.
George Noujaim discussed the KidCity Museum visit. The group will visit some other more traditional museums in CT.
City Hall personnel will move back to 140 Main Street during the May 16-17 weekend. The June EDC meeting will be held in the newly renovated City Hall.
8. Adjournment- At 6:45 PM Commissioner Mele made a motion to adjourn, Commissioner Battle seconded the motion. The motion carried.