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September 8, 2009
City of Torrington Economic Development Commission
Minutes September 8, 2009

Members Present:  Cindy Donaldson, Nancy Sieller, Greg Mele,
     JoAnn Ryan, Jim Thibault, George Noujaim, Mayor Bingham,

Members Absent:  TJ Zappulla, Bill Battle,

Commissioner Donaldson called the meeting to order at 5:30pm

  • Open meeting to Public
Commissioner Ryan made the motion to open the meeting to the public and Commissioner Mele seconded the motion.  Motion carried
      2.    Approval of the Minutes
Commissioner Ryan made the motion to approve the August 4, 2009 minutes and Commissioner Mele seconded the motion.

  • Vote to reschedule  the November EDC due to scheduling conflicts with Election Night.  The commissioners asked Rose to email them to make sure November 10 would work with everyone’s schedule. The November date will be rescheduled next month.
  4.    Finalize the EDC section of the POCD
        Rose handed out a sample of some of the activities that should be targeted to be included in the POCD. Commissioners will review them and email Rose with additional suggestions and comments. Commissioner Noujaim felt that we needed to add and education section to the plan, Commissioner Ryan agreed and that we should include the Community education Business partnership as sell. We also discussed added a mention of the arts education and the trade education that is available through Oliver Wolcott Technical School. Rose will work on those sections and have them available for the October meeting. There will be an informational meeting on September 22 to receive input from the community. Rose will contact Bill Baxter to work on the downtown section of the plan. The commissioners also conducted a mini SWOT exercise to outline Torrington’s strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats.
5.      Torrington Day
        Rose reported about Torrington Day. A full event is planned with partnerships with the Twilite Cruisers, Center Congregational Church, The Library, The Historical Society, Brazen Betties, and 2 non-profits.          
6.               Brownfield’s Update:
        The EPA has approved a number of sites to start phase 1 assessment work. Rose has completed the RLF award paperwork and we were approved for the RLF.  The RLF grant provides the City clean-up funds for eligible sites. Developers with eligible sites will be able to apply for a loan to pay for clean-up costs.

7.   Commissioner Sieller moved to adjourn at 7:40 PM, Commissioner Mele seconded the     motion, the motion carried.