City of Torrington Economic Development Commission
Minutes August 4, 2009
Members Present: Cindy Donaldson, Nancy Sieller TJ Zappulla, Greg Mele,
JoAnn Ryan, Jim Thibault, Bill Battle
Members Absent: Mayor Bingham, George Noujaim,
Commissioner Donaldson called the meeting to order at 5:30pm
1. Open meeting to Public
Commissioner Ryan made the motion to open the meeting to the public and Commissioner Mele seconded the motion. Motion carried
2. Approval of the Minutes
Commissioner Ryan made the motion to approve the July 7, 2009 minutes and Commissioner Mele seconded the motion. TJ Zappulla noted that his name had been misspelled. The motion carried with the correction noted.
3. Review of COPD first draft.
After reviewing the first draft, discussions among the commissioners concerning a more targeted development plan was held. It was decided that Rose would scan the document and everyone would email her back with suggestions. Commissioner Ryan suggested that conducting a SWAT analysis would be helpful. In the interest of time Rose will include a SWAT analysis outline and commissioners would work on that and be prepared next month with suggestions.
4. Update on ACT, Torrington Day and Mural Project.
ACT will continue to plan events and are assisting Rose with Torrington Days. The Torringford Fire Department can’t participate with a car show this year. Commissioners suggested that Rose contact some of the other smaller car shows to see if they would be interested in attending. The Mural Project continues to make progress, committee members are working on obtaining quotes and donations for the prep work that needs to be done before the mural is actually painted.
5. Brownfield’s Update:
The EPA has approved a number of sites to start phase 1 assessment work. Rose has completed the RLF award paperwork and we are waiting to hear from EPA. The RLF grant provides the City clean-up funds for eligible sites. Developers with eligible sites will be able to apply for a loan to pay for clean-up costs.
6. Vote to consider business presented by the Mayor and members of the Commission.
Rose reported that the Timken property has officially been sold. The Bingham administration had been working on this project for a number of years. This is a wonderful opportunity to bring more jobs to the City as well as eliminate a vacant industrial campus from the neighborhood. The City is working with the developers to find tenants for the new site. Already a number of inquiries have been made. Intergris, and Optiwind have relocated to Timken as well as the temporary City Hall offices.
7. Commissioner Ryan moved to adjourn at 7:20 PM, Commissioner Mele seconded the motion, the motion carried.