April 7, 2009
Members Present: Greg Mele, TJ Zappulla , Cindy Donaldson, Nancy Sieller, George Noujaim
Members Absent: Mayor Bingham, JoAnn Ryan, Bill Battle
Also Present: Rose Ponte
Cindy Donaldson called the meeting to order at 5:34 PM in the T-4 Conference Room .
1. Open Meeting to Public
Commissioner Zappulla, made the motion to open the meeting and Commissioner Mele seconded the motion.
No one from the public was present to speak.
Rose gave an update on the ACT commission, the events that are planned along with the yearly projects that are being proposed. They will continue to update EDC as projects occurred.
3. Litchfield County Compact.
Cindy and George continue to meet with the Litchfield County Compact. UCONN Torrington will be purchasing banners for downtown. The group will continue to meet and solidify the partnership between the school and area businesses.
4. Plan of Conservation and Development:
It was decided that Rose would email all commissioners with copies of EDC’s portion of the last plan of conservation and development and that the commissioners will come prepared for next month with ideas of the sections that should be included in the plan. The consultants that are helping the City with the Plan have given an outline of what should be included in this section. This will also be emailed to each commissioner.
5. New Business
Rose gave an update on the Brownfield Assessment Grant . The committee has narrowed down their search to 10 potential sites to be assessed. HRP is preparing the eligibility paperwork and will submit to the EPA.
6. Business presented by the Mayor or Commissioners.
Commissioner Noujaim discussed an unpleasant experience he had with the Torrington Tax Collector. He feels that the EDC should address complaints from citizens as well as area business. The EDC should act a forum where complaints and situations are address. A lengthy discussion concerning jeopardy tax, small businesses, continued. In addition the commissioners discussed what is the EDC charge and how do we accomplish it? The will continue to discuss this throughout the year.
7. Adjournment
There being no further business to come before the meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 7:35 PM.